offence shall have been committed, or in Baltimore city court
if the offence shall have been committed within the limits of
said city.
So much of this section as imposes the fine, is repealed by 1830, ch. 184;
and by 1832, ch. 273; and the fine imposed by 1832, ch. 273, is not less
than ten, nor more than one hundred dollars. Fine and imprisonment is
restored by 1834, ch. 282.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That nothing herein contained
shall be so construed as to prevent the mayor and city council
of Baltimore, the corporation of the city of Annapolis, or the
corporation of Frederick, from imposing, levying and collecting
any tax or duty which they are or shall be authorized, by their
respective charters, or any law of this state, to impose, levy and
Right of
cities re-
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That any person or body corpo-
rate or politic, who shall be convicted of a breach of any of the
provisions of this act, before any county court, or before Balti-
more city court, shall be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor,
and be fined or imprisoned, or both, at the discretion of the
Violation of
this law
by fine and
court before whom he or she shall be thereof convicted : Pro-
vided always, that if within ten days after the termination of
any license herein before mentioned, the person or persons,
body or bodies corporate or politic, to whom the same was
granted, shall apply for and obtain a further license, he, she or
they shall not, merely on account of such delay, be considered
as having violated any of the provisions of this act.
All of this section except the proviso is repealed by 1832, ch. 273, and
restored by 1834, ch. 282.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That nothing herein contained
shall be so construed as to permit any hawker or pedlar to sell
or barter any goods, wares or merchandise, within this state,
without having obtained a license for that purpose, as heretofore
required by law, nor to impair the privileges which are now
secured to the shad and herring fisheries of this state.
must obtain
licenses as
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the clerks of the several
counties, and of the city court of Baltimore, shall receive fifty
cents for each and every license granted under this act, out of
the money received by him for such license, in lieu of alt other
fees, except the five per cent, allowed by the existing laws.
Clerks' fee.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That so much of any act or
acts of assembly of this slate, as may be repugnant to, or incon-
sistent with the provisions of this act, shall cease to be of any
force or effect from and after the last day of April next : Pro-
vided nevertheless, that nothing herein contained shall abate
any prosecution that may then be pending under the laws of
this state: And provided further, that all offences committed
before that period, shall be, and they are hereby directed to be
Acts incon-
sistent here-
with repeal-
ed, proceed-
ings there-
under con-