His neg-
don't escuse
persons re-
quired to
and paid over to said sheriff; but the failure of any sheriff to
give the public notice herein before directed, shall not be
allowed to excuse any person or persons, or body or bodies
Corporate or politic, who shall neglect to obtain a license as re-
quired by this act; and each sheriff shall also make and return,
or cause to be made and returned, on or before the Monday
Shall return
list of per-
tons bound
to have
next preceding the last Saturday in every month, besides the
month of April, in each and every year, a list of the names of
all such persons, or bodies corporate or politic, as shall from
time to time come to reside in each election district, in his
county, or if in the city pf Baltimore, then in each ward of
said city, or whose names he shall discover to have been omit-
ted iq his annual and previous returns, who by any of the pro-
visions of this act, are required to obtain a license, and he shall
be entitled to the same compensation put pf all licenses that
may be obtained by them.
See 1831, ch. 263.
clerks to
to make
returns to
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
clerks of the county courts of this state, and of the clerk of
Baltimore city court, to transmit to the treasurer of the western
shore of Maryland, semi-annually, on or before the first Mon-
day of May and November, in every year hereafter, lists and
accounts of all licenses which shall by them severally be
granted in pursuance of this act, or any existing law of this
Return lists
to grand
state, and to lay before every grand jury attending his court, on
the first day of their attendance, the returns made to him by
the sheriff of his county, as herein before directed ; and a list
of all licenses granted by the said clerk in virtue of this act,
or any existing law of this state, and not by him before re-
turned to any grand jury, and if any clerk or sheriff shall wil-
fully omit to perform any duty required of him by this act, he
shall, on conviction thereof, be fined any sum not less than one
Penalty for
hundred dollars, nor exceeding one thousand dollars, in the dis-
cretion of the court, one-half to the use of the informer, and
the other half to the use of the state.
Penalty for
selling with
out license.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons,
body or bodies corporate or politic, shall sell or barter, or suffer
to be sold or bartered in his, her or their dwelling or other
building, or at any place in his, her or their occupation, by his,
her or their agent or servant, or other person whomsoever, with
his, her or their knowledge, any goods, wares or merchandise,
or spirituous liquor, without license first had and obtained as
herein before provided, he, she or they shall forfeit and pay the
sum of fifty dollars, one-half to the use of the informer, and
the other half to be paid to the clerk of the county court, or city
court, as the case may be, to the use of the state, to be reco-
vered in the name of the state of Maryland, by action of debt
or indictment in the county court of the county where such