shop or oyster house, or any other place, at or in which spi-
rituous and fermented liquors may be sold or bartered, in quan-
tities less than a pint at any one time, shall be granted by the
clerk of any county court, or the clerk of Baltimore city court,
to any person or persons, body or bodies corporate or politic,
who shall produce and deliver such certificate as is herein be-
fore required, and who shall at the time of applying for such
Clerk of
court to
license, pay therefor to such clerk, the Slim of twelve dollars,
for a license to keep a victualling house or cook shop, or an
oyster house, and eighteen dollars for every other license re-
quired by this section, for the use of the state, which license
shall particularly describe the place at or in which the said
person or persons, body or bodies corporate or politic, may in
virtue thereof, open, set up and keep such ordinary, tavern, inn,
victualling house, cook shop, or oyster house, and may sell or
barter spirituous and fermented liquor as aforesaid ; and it shall
authorize the same only at the place so described therein, from
$12 for vic-
house, cook
shop or
$18 other
the day of its date until the first day of May next thereafter, or
until the same shall be suspended or revoked, in the manner
provided by law.
By 1829, ch. 217, oyster houses not required to take out license to retail
spirituous liquors.
See 1833, ch. 266, explanatory of this act; and which requires a license
to be taken out for oyster houses selling spirituous liquors.
The tax on licenses, is modified by 1831, ch. 262; and 1832, ch. 273.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
sheriff of each county of this state, annually, in the month of
April, to make or cause to be made, an alphabetical list of the
names of all the persons, or bodies corporate or politic, in each
election district of his county, and in the pity of Baltimore, in
each ward of said city, who shall be exercising or pursuing any
business, or be doing any act or thing, or shall be in the use or
occupation of any house or place, for any purpose for which a
license is made necessary by this act, or any existing law of this
state, and to return such list or lists on Monday preceding the
last Saturday in said month, to the clerk of his county court, or
to the clerk of Baltimore city court, as the case may require,
and the sheriff of each county shall, within the first week of
the month last before mentioned, cause a written or printed
Sheriff to
return a list
annually of
all persons
places for
which li-
should be
taken out.
notice to be set up, in at least six public places, in each of the
election districts and wards in his county or city, cautioning all
persons, and bodies corporate or politic, whom it may concern,
to obtain a license or renew the same, according to the provi-
sions of this act, before the tenth day of May, then next ensu-
persons to
take out
ing, and each sheriff shall be entitled to receive twenty-five
cents for every license obtained by any person, whose name
shall be contained in the list or lists so returned by him, to be
deducted by the clerk from the money received for such license,
His com-