Liquors in
small quan-
authorize any person or persons, body or bodies corporate or
politic to sell or barter spirituous or fermented liquor by retail,
or in quantities less than ten gallons, and not less than a pint,
within the city of Baltimore, unless the person or persons, body
or bodies corporate or politic, obtaining such license, shall pay
$4 addition
to sell li-
quors in
city — ap-
plied to pay
to the clerk of Baltimore city court, in addition to the twelve
dollars aforesaid, the further sum of four dollars for every such
license, the said further sum to be applied to the payment of the
expenses of the gaol, of the said city and county of Baltimore,
so far as the same are chargeable to, and to be borne by the
city of Baltimore, and the licenses so to be issued as last afore-
Said license
to state
mentioned, shall expressly state that the person or persons, to
whom the same shall be granted, is or are authorized to retail
spirituous and fermented liquors by retail, in quantities not less
than a pint at any one time, within the city of Baltimore, at a
place which shall be particularly described in such license, as
provided for
is herein before required in other cases : Provided, that any
storekeeper or other retailer, except the keepers of ordinaries,
removing his, her or their store, from one part of a county or
city, to another part of the same county or city, with a view to
a permanent settlement, may continue to sell under the license
obtained for the first establishment; Provided he, she or they
shall go to the clerk of the county or city, and have the name
or description of their new place of residence endorsed on the
back of the license already obtained, for which service they
shall pay to the clerk, the sum of twelve and an half cents :
Provided, that no distiller of spirituous liquors, shall at any
one time sell less than a quart, without obtaining a license
under the provisions of this act.
Modified and explained by 1828, ch. 85.
cook shops,
houses, and
grog shops
If grand
jury signify
clerk shall
not issue
SEC, 3. And be it enacted, That it shall not be lawful for
any person or persons, body or bodies corporate or politic, to
open, set up, or keep any ordinary, tavern or inn, nor any
victualling house, cook shop or oyster house, nor any place at
or in which any spirituous or fermented liquor shall be sold or
bartered, in quantities less than a pint at any one time, without
first obtaining a license in the manner now provided by law :
Provided, nevertheless, that if the grand jury of any county
court, or of the city court of Baltimore, shall signify to the
county court, or city court of Baltimore, as the case may be, their
opinion that a license ought not to be granted to any individual
or individuals named in the lists to be laid before them, under the
provisions of this act, that the clerks of said courts shall not be
authorized to grant a license or licenses to any such individual
or individuals, without the special direction of the court.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That a license to open, set up and
keep an ordinary, tavern or inn, or a victualling house, cook