bartering any dry goods, groceries, spirituous or fermented
liquor, imported dried fruit, glass, crockery, hardware, drugs, or
medicines, paints, printed books, stationery, saddlery, gold,
silver or plated ware, jewelry, toys, wearing apparel, salted
provisions, grain, meal, flour, timber, tobacco, cotton, leather,
hides, lime, wrought or cast iron, copper or tin, or any other
kind of goods, wares or merchandise, foreign or domestic, with-
out first obtaining a license in the manner prescribed by .this
act: Provided nevertheless, that it shall be lawful for any per-
son or persons, who on the day before mentioned, shall have a
license under the present existing laws, to sell or barter, in
virtue thereof, until the expiration of the term for which the
said license was granted, as freely as he, she or they might
Existing li-
have done, if this act had not have passed : And provided, that
any license to vend said articles, may bo granted by said clerks
to extend to the second day of May next, for which the person
receiving the same, shall pay for the use of the state, a slim
proportionate to that charged for a license, under the existing
laws, for a whole year, regarding the time for which it shall
issue : Provided also , that persons carrying on shad and herring
fisheries in this state, may sell and dispose of so much salt as
is necessary to cure the fish purchased of them during the
months of March, April and May, and n6 longer, without
By 1828, ch. 85, this law does not extend to those who do not buy of
sell with a view to proBt, neither to those who sell cakes.
By 1832, ch. 273, the venders of beer and cider, who are the makers,
need not take out a license.
salt for fish.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That a license to sell or barter
any of the goods, wares or merchandise herein before mentioned,
shall be granted by the clerk of each county court, to any per-
son or persons, body or bodies corporate or politic, residing in
his county, and by the clerk of Baltimore city court, to any
person or persons, body or bodies corporate or politic, residing
in said city, who shall apply therefor, and pay to such clerk the
mm of twelve dollars, for the use of the state, which license
shall authorize the person or persons, body or bodies corporate
or politic, to whom the same shall be granted, to sell or barter
Clerk to is-
sue license
on receiving
$12 therefor
my of the said goods, wares or merchandise, only at such
house or other building or place, as shall be therein particularly
described, from the day of its date until the first day of May
next, thereafter, but such license shall not authorize the person
or persons, body or bodies corporate or politic, to whom the
same shall be granted, residing in the several counties of this
state, to sell or barter any spirituous or fermented liquor in
quantities less than a pint at any one time, nor shall such license
Which au-
thorize sales
at specified
place only.