applicants, and the county court, judge or justice, as the case may
be, shall not grant a personal discharge to the said applicant or
applicants, until the trustee, so appointed as aforesaid shall give
bond, with security to be approved, to the state of Maryland, in
such penalty as the said court, judge or justice, may prescribe,
conditioned for the faithful discharge of his trust ; and until the
said applicant or applicants shall execute to the said trustee, a
good and sufficient deed of conveyance, for all his estate, real,
personal and mixed, (the necessary wearing apparel, and 'bed-
ding of himself or themselves, and his, or their families except-
ed,) for the benefit of the creditors of the said applicant or
applicants; and until the trustee so appointed, shall certify in
writing, to the said county court, judge or justice, as the case
may be, that he is in possession of all the estate of the appli-
cant or applicants, mentioned in his or their schedule.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said trustee, so ap-
pointed as aforesaid, shall have power and authority in his own
name, or in the name or names of such applicant or applicants,
to sue for and collect, all debts and demands, due and owing
to the said applicant or applicants, and to give and execute
receipts, acquittances, or releases for the same.
to collect.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That it shall be the duty of the
said trustee, upon such notice and terms as may be prescribed
by the said county court, judge or justice, granting a personal
discharge to the said applicant or applicants, to sell and dispose
of, at public auction, all the said estate, real, personal and
mixed, of the said applicant or applicants, to be conveyed to
him as aforesaid, whether the application of said petitioning
debtor or debtors, be prosecuted to a final hearing or not, and
the proceeds of said sale to distribute amongst the creditors of
the said applicant or applicants, agreeably to the provisions of
the seventh section of the act, to which this is a further addi-
tional supplement, after deducting therefrom the commissions
to be allowed him, as is likewise prescribed in the tenth sec-
tion of the said original act.
Trustee to
sell proper-
ty ond dis-
tribute pro-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That said trustee shall have
authority to convey and assure to any purchaser or purchasers,
and to his, her, or their heirs, any estate, real, personal or
mixed, which he may sell to him, her or them, agreeably to
the provisions of this act.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That upon the failure of any
trustee, (to be appointed agreeably to the provisions of this act)
duly to discharge his trust, his bond may be put in suit at the
Instance, and for the use of any creditor or creditors of the
petitioning debtor, or other person or persons interested in the
faithful execution thereof; and every such case a copy of the
bond liable
for default.