AN ACT to declare certain Trespasses Felony, and for other purposes.
timber with
intent to
steal the
same de-
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That if any person shall cut down, or cause or induce any per-
son to cut down, any limber or tree, of a size not less than
those commonly used for hoop poles, with intent to steal the
same, or cause or induce any other person to steal the same, or
any part thereof, every person so offending, his aiders and abet-
tors, having knowledge of such intent to steal, shall be adjudged
guilty of felony, and shall be sentenced to such punishment as
now is, or hereafter may be, prescribed by law for feloniously
stealing goods or chattels to the value of the tree or trees, which
shall be so cut down as aforesaid, and of the injury thereby
grain, &c.
deemed a
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That every person who shall ad-
visedly and maliciously, with intent to injure the owner of any
land, house or building, cut down any tree, or cut down, break,
dig or pull up, or in any other manner destroy or injure any
growing grain, shrubs, herbs, roots, vines or vegetables, or shall
cut, break, pull off, destroy or injure, any part of any house, or
other building, or of any wall or fence, or any ornament, or
other valuable article attached to any house or other building,
wall or fence, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on
conviction thereof shall be adjudged to be fined or imprisoned,
or both, in the discretion of the court before which any such
person shall be tried and convicted.
Not to apply
to certain
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That nothing herein contained
shall be so construed as to apply to Allegany, Cecil, Harford,
Worcester, Montgomery, Anne Arundel, Somerset, Caroline, or
Charles counties.
Baltimore and Calvert counties are withdrawn from the provisions of this
act, by 1827, ch. 51, and Worcester is brought within its range, by 1827,
ch. 64.
AN ACT to enable the Trustees of County, and other Schools and Acade-
mies, and to recover and obtain possession of th'e Funds and other Pro-
perty and Effects, belonging to such Schools and Academies.
courts em-
on petition,
to order
payment of
money, &c.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the several county courts of this state shall have power,
and it is hereby declared to be their duty, on the application by
petition, in writing, of the trustees, or a majority of the trus-
tees, or other persons having the lawful charge and possession
of any county, or other school or academy within their county,
alleging that any person or persons hath or have iu his or their
hands or possession, or have concealed any money, property or
effects, belonging to such school or academy, which such per-