son or persons refuse to pay or deliver to the trustees, or other
persons having charge thereof, to order that such person or per-
sons shall, within ten days after service on him or them of a
copy of such petition, answer on oath, or affirmation, the allega-
tions and interrogatories therein contained ; and on such answer
being filed, or other proof taken ex parte, if the persons charged
shall neglect, after notice, to answer, the court shall order the
payment of any money, or delivery of any property, which
shall appear to be improperly detained or concealed, and enforce
obedience to such order in a summary way, by attachment and
imprisonment, or the court may in their discretion order the
money or property, or effects in dispute, to be brought into
court to await the decision of any question that may occur as to
the right, and may direct an issue, if deemed necessary, to try
such question of right; and the court may award damages and
costs, or either, to be paid, as shall appear to be just, and enforce
such payment by attachment and imprisonment.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That every person who shall
wrongfully detain or conceal, or aid in detaining or concealing,
from the trustees of any school or academy, or other person or
persons lawfully entitled to have or receive the same, any fund,
money, property or effects, belonging to such school or aca-
demy, for the space of ten days after the same shall be de-
manded, shall forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars,
to be recovered by indictment or action of debt, one-half for
the use of the informer, and the other half for the use of the
AN ACT to explain the Law in relation to Clandestine Removals to avoid
Distress for Rent.
Penalty on
WHEREAS, doubts exist as to the meaning of the law now in
force respecting clandestine removals: And whereas, decisions
have been made contrary to the probable intention of said law;
SEC. I. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the first day of May next, all removals of
personal property, owned by any tenants, and removed by said
tenant, or by his or her order and direction, from the premises
occupied by said tenant, and for the occupation of which rent
shall be due, or about to become due, if the said property be
removed as aforesaid, within thirty days before the time said
rent will become due, the said removal, whether by day or
night, shall be considered a clandestine removal, and the pro-
perty so removed, shall be liable to be followed and distrained,
in the same manner as if it were found on the premises rented
and occupied by such tenant, within the time limited for dis-
Tenant re-
moving per-
sonal pro-
perty where
rent is due