cute the same, to any trustee or trustees as aforesaid, by a non-
resident of this state, acknowledged as aforesaid, in the town,
city, county, or place, where such person or persons may reside,
with a certificate of such acknowledgment, and seal of office
annexed thereto, may be received and recorded by such register
or clerk, as the case may be, as other receipts, acquittances,
releases, or final discharges, are directed to be recorded as
aforesaid, and the register or clerks may demand and receive
such fee for any services done by virtue of this act as is allowed
by law in like cases.
&c. of non-
may be
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That a copy of any such receipt,
acquittance, release, or final discharge, acknowledged and re-
corded as aforesaid, duly attested under the seal of the office in
which the same is recorded, shall at all times hereafter be
admitted as evidence to prove such receipt, acquittance, release
or final discharge.
Copy, duly
attested, to
be admitted
as evidence.
AN ACT relating to the trial of Causes in Baltimore County Court.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the judges of Baltimore county court be and they are hereby
authorized and required, to assign and apportion such part of
each term of the said court, as shall be found necessary, for the
trial of causes and hearing of appeals, in which the defendants
shall have been residents of the county, without the limits of
the city, or precincts, at the time of the institution of the suit,
or rendition of the judgment appealed from; and to facilitate
such apportionment, it shall be the duty of the plaintiffs, or
their counsel, in all suits hereafter instituted, before the issuing
of the writ, and of the appellant before his appeal shall be filed,
to make known to the cleric the fact, if it be so, of the defen-
dants residence in the county out of the city or precincts; and
the jurors required to attend said court, during the time appor-
tioned as before directed, shall be summoned from the county
without the limits of the city or precincts, and for the residue ol
the term from the city or precincts.
Court to
assign pay
of each
term for
trial of
where de-
fendants re-
side out of
the city,
AN ACT relating to Inquests held by Coroners.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
hereafter there shall be allowed the sum of fifty cents to each
juror who may serve on a coroners inquest, and to the consta-
ble who may be directed by any coroner or magistrate to sum-
mon such jury, or to the coroner if the jury be summoned by
him, the sum of twelve and one-half cents for each juror,
which sums shall be collected and paid to the persons entitled
to jurors