of fieri facias or venditioni exponas, shall, in the case of the
sale of goods and chattels, (negro slaves excepted) be by adver-
tisement set up at least ten days before the day of sale at the
court-house door of the county, and at least two other public
places most convenient to such goods and personal chattels;
and in case of the sale of negro slaves, lands or tenements,
notice thereof shall be given by advertisement set up at least
twenty days before the day of sale at the court-house door of
the county, and other public places in the county in which the
negro slaves, lands or tenements may be, and also published,
for the same period of time, previous to the day of sale, in some
newspapers, provided there be any printed in the county where
such sale may be made.
Part of an
act repealed
*Ch. 102.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That so much of the act, entitled,
an act relating to sheriffs, and for other purposes, passed at
December session, eighteen hundred and thirteen,* as is incon-
sistent with, and repugnant to, this act, be and the same is
hereby repealed.
*1790, ch.
AN ACT to repeal the Act,* entitled, an Act for the Suppression of Fairs
throughout this state.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, the act, entitled, an act
for the suppression of fairs throughout this state, be and the
same is hereby repealed.
AN ACT to make the final discharge of Trustees appointed by the Chan-
cellor or Judges of the County Court mailer of record.
See notes to 1809, ch. 168, ante page 592.
&c. to be
SEC. I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all receipts, acquittances, releases, or final discharges,
from persons authorized to execute the same, to any trustee or
trustees appointed by the decree of the chancellor, or judges of
the county court, which shall have been acknowledged before
the mayor of a corporation, notary public, or justice of the
peace of the county wherein such persons authorized to execute
the same resides, may be recorded, and it shall be the duty of
the register of the chancery court, and the clerks of the several
county courts where such trustee or trustees may be appointed,
to record any such receipt, acquittance, release or final dis-
charge, produced to be recorded, in a well bound book to be
kept for that purpose.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any receipt, acquittance,
release, or final discharge from any person authorized to exe-