thereto, in the like manner as the fees allowed by law to such
AN ACT for altering the times of holding the Court of Appeals and of
holding the Court for Talbot County.
Repealed by 1828, ch. 182.
AN ACT to authorize the Chancellor, and the several County Courts of
this State, to order and decree the Sales of Real Estate of Minors in
the cases therein mentioned.
See notes to 1785, ch. 72, ante page 208; 1818, ch. 133; 1831 ch. 311 ;
1835, ch. 367.
&c. in cer-
tain cases,
may direct ,
the sale of
real estates.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That where any infant or infants are or shall 'be possessed of
any lands, tenements, hereditaments or real estate, whatsoever,*
it shall and may be lawful for the chancellor, or for the several
county courts within this state, as a court of equity, upon the peti-
tion of the guardian or prochein ami, t of such infant or infants,
after summoning such infant or infants, and his appearance by
guardian to be appointed by the chancellor, or the county courts
as aforesaid, and upon the hearing and examination of all cir-
cumstances and upon its appearing to the said chancellor, or the
county courts as aforesaid, that it will be for the interest and
advantage of such infant or infants to sell such lands, tene-
ments, hereditaments or real estate, or any part thereof, to order
and direct such lands, tenements or hereditaments, or any part
thereof, to be sold upon such terms as the chancellor or the
county courts as aforesaid may direct.
*By 1818, ch. 193, sec. 7, the provisions of this act are extended to
equitable titles to real estates,
t By 1818, ch. 133, sec. 2, upon such petition the court to issue a com-
mission to not less than three disinterested freeholders, to view and assertain
the real value of the land, and to determine whether it would be to the
interest and advantage of the infant or infants that such land should be
sold, &c. See 1818, ch. 193, sec. 12, as to lands descending to minors
residing out of the state, &c.
Sales to be
Trustees to
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That all sales made by the autho-
rity of the chancellor or county courts as aforesaid, under this
act, shall be notified to, and confirmed by, the chancellor or
county courts as aforesaid, and the purchase money for the
same shall be paid, before any conveyance of the property shall
be made; and bond with good and sufficient security, to be