AN ACT relative to the Judges of the Court of Appeals, and of the County
WHEREAS the speedy administration of justice is highly con-
ducive to the prosperity, and is essentially promotive to the best
interests of the good people of this state, and for the attainment
of this most desirable object it is requisite that all judges should
be punctual and regular in the discharge of their important
official duties; to the end therefore that this general assembly
may be enabled to form a correct opinion of the conduct of the
judges in this respect, and to meet the responsibility which
attaches to them as the grand inquest of this state.
Clerks to
report an-
nually to
the legisla-
ture the
duration of
every term,
SEC. 2. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the clerk of the court of appeals for the western and eastern
shore respectively, and the clerks of the several county courts, be
and they are hereby required and directed to report, annually,
to the general assembly, on or before the first Monday in De-
cember, the duration of every term or session of their several
courts, and the number of days that the judge or judges of such
court shall respectively attend for the performance of his or their
official duties.
Penalty for
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if the clerk of any of the
courts herein mentioned shall fail to comply with the direction
of this act in making his annual report as aforesaid to the gene-
ral assembly, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred
dollars, to be recoverable and applied as other fines and forfei-
tures are.
to clerks.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That as a compensation for the
performance of the service required by the provisions of this act,
the clerk of each court as aforesaid shall receive five dollars, an
allowance for which shall be made by the committee of claims
on the journal of accounts.
AN ACT authorizing appropriations for the Penitentiary of this State.
Repealed by 1837, ch. 320.
AN ACT relating to Servants and Slaves.
Sea notes to 1796, ch. 67. See 1804, ch. 90; 1817, ch. 112 ; 1831, ch.
281, 323; 18S2, ch. 145; 1833, ch. 224.
for manu-
mission of
slaves, and
which have
been AC.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That any deed heretofore executed for the manumission of any
slave or slaves, who by law might have been set free or manu-
mitted by deed, and which has been acknowledged and recorded
in the manner directed by the act,* entitled, an act relating to