negroes, and to repeal the acts of assembly therein mentioned,
shall be valid and effectual in law to give freedom to any such
slave or slaves, and their issue, although such deed of manu-
mission, or writing as aforesaid, may not have been evidenced
by two or more good and sufficient witnesses.
SEC, 2. And be it enacted, That a copy of any such deed of
manumission or writing as aforesaid, taken from the records of
the county, and duly attested under the seal of the court, shall
at all times hereafter be deemed, to all intents and purposes,
good evidence to prove such deed of manumission ; Provided
always, that nothing in this act contained shall be so construed
as to affect or destroy the right of any person, who, before the
passage of this act, was a bona fide purchaser of any slave or
slaves claiming his, her or their freedom under such deeds of
manumission ; And provided also, that notwithstanding such
deed of manumission, no slave shall be entitled to his or her
freedom under the provisions of this act, who has been hereto-
fore adjudged to be a slave by any court of law in this state.
in manner
*1796, ch.
Copy of
any such
deed, duly
attested, to
be deemed
good evi-
dence to
prove the
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That no person shall hereafter
sell or dispose of any servant or slave, who is or may be entitled
to freedom after a term of years, after any particular time, or
upon a contingency, to any person who is not a bona fide resi-
dent of this state, and who has not resided therein for the space
of at least one year, next preceding such sale, and if any person
holding any such servant or slave shall sell him or her to any
person who is not a resident as aforesaid, or who shall sell such
servant or slave for a term of years longer than he or she is
bound to serve, such person making any of said sales shall for-
feit and pay five hundred dollars for any such servant or slave
so sold, to be recovered by action of debt in the county court
of the county where such seller may reside, one-half whereof
to the use of the county in which the recovery may be had, and
the other to the person who may prosecute for the same.
By 1817, ch. 112, no such sale to be made to any person employed to
purchase for a person not being resident ; nor for a longer time than the
slave is hound to serve. Persons offending herein to be indicted, and on
conviction, sentenced to the penitentiary, &c.
By 1833, ch. 224, the county courts may authorize masters to sell out of
the state, turbulent slaves owned for a term of years.
No slave
entitled to
after a term
of years, to
be told out
of the state,
A further additional SUPPLEMENT to an ACT,* entitled, an Act to direct
Repealed by 1820, ch. 191.
*1786, ch.