An ACT relating to Constables Bonds.
A supplement, 1821, ch. 175.
WHEREAS the present general assembly of Maryland hath
enlarged the jurisdiction of justices of the peace : and whereas
the penalty of the bond executed by the constables is not high
enough for the increased duties transferred on them ; therefore,
SEC. 2. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of .Maryland,
That in lieu of the bond prescribed by the act of eighteen hun-
dred and one,* each and every constable, before he acts as such,
what bonds
they must
shall give bond to the state of Maryland, with good and suffi-
cient security, in the penalty of eight hundred dollars, to be ap-
proved of by the levy court of the county, conditioned, that the
said constable shall well and faithfully execute the same office
in all things appertaining thereto, and shall also well and truly
account for all moneys placed in his hands for collection, and
shall also well and truly pay all sums of money received by him ;
and it shall be the duty of the levy court to have the same
entered on record by their clerks, and a copy thereof, under the
seal of the court, shall be good evidence to prove the execution
of such bond in any court of this state.
*Chap. 62.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That an attested copy of the said
bond shall be good evidence in law to maintain an action of
debt for the breach of any condition of the said bond as if the
same was actually produced and proved in the said court.
An attested
copy good
SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That whenever any evidences
of debts are put into the hands of any constable for collection, it
shall be his duty to execute a receipt for the same, if demanded,
and upon his neglect or refusal to do so he shall forfeit the sum
of five dollars, to be recovered before any single magistrate by
the party grieved, for each and every offence.
to give
receipts for
of debts.
AN ACT relating to the ACT, entitled, an Act for the relief of sundry Insol-
vent Debtors, passed November session, eighteen hundred and five,* and
to the several supplements thereto.
See notes to the original act, ante page 530.
*Chap. 110.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it
shall and may be lawful for the county courts of the respective
counties, or the several judges thereof during the recess of the
said court, to extend to all such persons as may apply to such
court for the same, all the benefits and privileges intended to be
given to the persons included in the said act, on their comply-
ing with the provisions of the said original act and of the several
supplements thereto.
Benefit of
an act