missioners of bankrupt shall be adjudged, deemed and taken,
to have the same right to such goods and cargo, and the pro-
duce of the same, as they have to any the goods and wares of
the said bankrupt in England. |
SEC. 2. Provided always, That no such commission shall be
put in use, or executed, before such factor of such commissioners
of bankrupt put in good security to satisfy the debts contracted
in this province by such bankrupt merchant, his factor or fac-
tors, under the credit of such cargo or cargoes of goods imported,
which are hereby supposed to be all such debts as shall be
contracted by such bankrupt merchant, his factor or factors,
after importation of such cargo or cargoes.
Chancellor Kilty reprinted, in his compilation, this law, without any
As ACT for the confirming Titles of Land given to the use of the churches,
and several chapels within this province, empowering the commissioners
of the respective counties, and vestries of the respective parishes, to take
tip certain parcels of land for the use of the same.
Another act, 1722, ch. 4.
Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4, are confirmatory of gifts made to churches, where
the legal titles were not consummated.
Section 5, repealed 1809, ch. 166.
Chancellor Kilty has in his compilation no remarks on this chapter.
AN ACT against Excessive Usury. |
Proviso. |
SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Queen's most excellent majesty, by
and with the advice and consent of her majesty's Governor, Coun-
cil and Assembly of this province, and the authority of the same,
That no person or persons whatsoever, within this province,
whether inhabitant or foreigner, upon any contract, from and
after the end of this present session of assembly, shall exact or
take, directly or indirectly, for loan of any moneys, wares or
merchandises, or other commodities whatsoever, to be paid in
money, above the value of six pounds for the forbearance of
one hundred pounds for one year, and so after that rate for a
greater or lesser sum, or for a larger or shorter lime, nor shall
any person or persons whatsoever, within this province as
aforesaid, from and after the time aforesaid, exact and take,
directly or indirectly, for loan of any tobacco, wares, merchan-
dises, or other commodities for one year, to be paid in tobacco
or other commodities of this province, above the value of eight
pounds of tobacco for the forbearance of one hundred pounds
of tobacco, and after that rate for a greater or lesser sum, or for
a longer or shorter time. |
Interest for
settled. |