person, properly belonging to, or otherwise owning any mill
within this province, shall ask, demand or receive, for grinding
any quantity or quantities of Indian corn or wheat whatsoever,
above the sixth part of every bushel of Indian corn, and eighth
part of every bushel of wheat, by him or them so ground as
aforesaid; upon penalty and forfeiture of one thousand pounds
of tobacco, one half to the use of her majesty, her heirs and
successors, for the support of government, and the other half to
him or them that shall inform, or sue for the same; to be reco-
vered in the respective county courts, by action of debt, bill,
plaint or information, wherein no essoin, protection, or wager of
law to be allowed, any other act, usage or custom to the con-
trary notwithstanding. |
secured. |
SEC. 7. Provided always, That if any person, upon encou-
ragement of former acts, hereby repealed, have begun to build
any mill, they shall still have all those advantages that they
might have had by such act hereby repealed, as if the former
act or acts were still in force.
See 1753, ch. 16; 1756, ch. 12; 1816, ch. 76, 1819, ch. 8, 20.
AN ACT for the marking, of highways, and making the heads of rivers,
creeks, branches and swamps, passable for horse and foot.
This act lost its general character, by 1794, ch. 52. Each county now has
a road law peculiar to itself. They will be found distributed to the counties
to which they appropriately belong, under the subdivision of Public Local
AN ACT for the relief of Creditors in England, against bankrupts who
have imported any goods into this province not accounted for.
A supplementary act, 1753, ch. 36. |
Factors to
be account-
able, &c. |
SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Queen's most excellent majesty,
by and with the advice and consent of her majesty's Governor,
Council and Assembly of this province, and the authority of the
same. That if any person who is become bankrupt in England,
and hath imported into this province any cargo of goods and
merchandises, and the same consigned to any his factor or agent
in this province, who hath not accounted, or shall not have
accounted for such cargo to his principal; that is to say, to
the bankrupt aforesaid, before an action of account be brought
against such factor or agent, by the commissioner of bankrupt,
or before a legal demand made, to have account of such cargo
to the said commissioner, by the agent, factor, or attorney of
such commissioner; that the commissioners of bankrupts, by
virtue of this act, may compel such factor or agent to account
to them, as he should have done to the principal; and the com- |