6 LAWS OF MARYLAND.—1706-7-13.
bonds, &c.
void. |
SEC. 2. And, That all bonds, contracts and assurances what-
ever, made after the time aforesaid for payment of any principal
money or tobacco, goods or commodities aforesaid, to be lent, or
covenanted to be performed, upon or for any usury, whereupon
or whereby there shall be reserved above the rate of six pounds
in the hundred for money as aforesaid, or above eight pounds
in the hundred for tobacco, or other goods and commodities as
aforesaid, shall be utterly void. |
Persons to
treble, &c. |
SEC. 3. And, That all and every person and persons whatso-
ever, which after the time aforesaid shall, upon any contract to be
made, take, accept and receive, by ways or means of any cor-
rupt bargain, loan, exchange, chievezance, shift, or interest of
any wares, merchandises, or other thing or things whatsoever,
or by any deceitful ways or means, or by any covin, instrument,
or deceitful conveyance, for the forbearance, or giving day of
payment, for one whole year, of and for their money, tobacco,
goods and commodities aforesaid, above the sum of money, or
quantity of tobacco aforesaid, for the forbearance aforesaid, shall
forfeit and lose for every such offence the treble value of the
money, tobacco, wares, merchandises, or other thing, so lent,
bargained, sold, exchanged, and shifted as aforesaid, the one-half
of the said fine and forfeiture to our sovereign lady the queen,
her heirs and successors, for the support of this government,
the other half to him or them that shall sue for the same, to be
recovered in any court of record of this province by action of
debt, bill, plaint or information, wherein no essoin, protection,
or wager of law to be allowed.
A supplement 1824, chap. 200, authorizes a bona fide holder, without
notice, to sue.
1706.—CHAPTER 8.
AN ACT declaring several acts of Parliament, made in the kingdom of
England, lo be in force within this province.
By the revolution and the provisions of the act of 1809, chap. 138, sec. 7,
this act is abrogated.
1707.—CHAPTER 4.
AN ACT against Forging and Counterfeiting of foreign coins, gold or
Superseded by 1809, chap. 138, sec. 2.
1713—CHAPTER 2.
AM ACT for the more speedy conveying public letters and packets of this
province, and defraying the charge thereof, and to prevent the abuses of
breaking open and concealing any letters whatsoever.
The act of 1816, chap. 242, supersedes all of the provisions of this law,
except the eighth and ninth sections. |