county, on the first Monday of February in each and every year,
and before any of said inspectors shall act as such, he shall give
bond to the state of Maryland, with security to be approved of by the
clerk of said county, in the penalty of ten thousand dollars, condi-
tioned for his faithful performance of the duties required by this
act, and shall further take the oath of office now prescribed by law.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That the bonds of all said inspectors
shall be recorded in the clerk's office of said county, and a copy of
said bonds, and each of them, shall be transmitted by the clerk of
said county, annually, to the treasurer of the western shore, whose
duty it shall be, to put the same in suit whenever a breach of the
condition thereof may have been committed, and ull recoveries
thereon shall be for the use of the state of Maryland.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That all the revenue arising from the
inspection of tobacco in said county, shall be paid into the treasury
of the state for the western shore, to be denominated the tobacco in-
spection fund for Prince George's county, a separate and distinct
account whereof shall be kept by the treasurer thereof, and it shall
be the duty of each of said inspectors to account every three months,
under oath, with the said treasurer, and pay over to him all such
moneys as may have been received by them, or any of them, for,
or on account of their respective warehouses, together with an ac-
count of the number of hogsheads of tobacco inspected and deli-
vered out by them, or any of them, during the three months for
which his or their return is made, and a copy of said inspectors'
bonds, under the seal of the said county court, shall be as good and
sufficient evidence in any court of this state as the original would
be if produced and legally proved.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That if any inspector appointed under
this act shall fail to give bond within thirty days after the notifica-
tion of his or their appointment, the governor and senate, if in ses-
sion, shall appoint some other inspector, or inspectors, in his or
their place, and all vacancies which may or shall occur in any of
the offices of said inspectors, either by death, resignation, refusal to
serve, failure to bond, or otherwise, shall be filled by the governor
and senate, if in session, and if the senate shall not be in session at
the time said vacancy shall occur, then by the governor, in which
latter event the person so appointed shall serve until the next
annual appointment shall be made, as is herein before provided for.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the inspectors of tobacco of said
warehouses shall have an annual salary of five hundred dollars each,
to be paid to them, and each of them, annually, by the treasurer of
the western shore, out of the said tobacco inspection fund, for said
county, to be paid into the said treasury as is herein before provided
for, and not more than one inspector shall be appointed for any one
of said warehouses.