SEC. G. And be it enacted, That the purchaser or owner of each
hogshead of tobacco inspected at any of the said warehouses, shall
pay to the inspector thereof, before removing the same from said
warehouses, or any of them, the sum of fifty cents for outage, por-
terage and sealing, to be paid by them and each of them, into the
treasury aforesaid, and accounted for as is herein before provided for.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That no warehouse for the inspection
of tobacco shall be built or erected in said county, unless by autho-
rity of an act of the legislature.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the in-
spectors of tobacco in said county, and each of them, to attend at
their respective warehouses every day in the week during the
months of May, June, July, August, September and October, and
at least once a week in every other month, and oftener if required,
for the inspection and shipment of tobacco; and in case of neglect
on the part of any of said inspectors to attend as aforesaid when re-
quired, either by the planter or shipper, their official bonds may be
put in suit at the instance of any party aggrieved thereby.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That all laws inconsistent with the
provisions of this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed.
No law to attaint particular persons of treason ought to be made —
Decl. of Rights, art. 16.
There ought to be no forfeiture of any part of the estate of any person
for any crime except for murder, or treason against the state, and
then only on conviction and attainder — Decl. of Rights, art. 24.
On conviction for treason, the judgment shall be to suffer death by
hanging only, and the circumstance of cruelty in the judgment by
the law of England, shall be omitted, and the judgment as to for-
feiture of properly shall be as heretofore — April, 1782, ch. 42,
sec. 6, ...........
Certain crimes declared to amount to treason, and persons guilty
thereof to suffer death and forfeit their estates — February, 1777,
ch. 20, sec. 2, ..........
Such crimes to receive the same construction as was given to them
under the British statute of Edward 3d, commonly called the Statute
of Treasons — 1777, ch. 20, sec. 2, ......
Persons concealing such crimes, Sic. to be adjudged guilty of a mis-
prision of treason, and to forfeit their estates — 1777, ch. 20, sec. 3,