Not to be allowed on judgment rendered against a constable for money
collected by him as such — 1820, ch. 185, sec. 2, .
Erroneous entries of them by certain justices of the peace, made valid
—1825, ch. 233, sec. 1, ...
Form of the entry to be hereafter used — 1825, ch. 223, sec. 2, .
Where any judgment or decree has been or may be superseded by way
of confession of judgment, and such confession of judgment may
not be in the precise form required by law, the same shall be valid,
if the form prescribed by law has been substantially complied with
— 1826, ch. 194, .........
The time of entering into any such confession of judgment shall be
computed, if otherwise expressed, six months from the time of en-
tering into it — 1826, ch. 194, sec. 2, . . .
To be a lien on the real estate of the persons named therein, from the
day it is filed with the clerk — 1826, eh. 194, sec. 3, ...
The lieu created by any judgment rendered against the principal, not
to be defeated by his entering into a confession of judgment by
way of supersedeas — 1826, ch. 194, sec. 4, .
Judgments or decrees rendered in courts, superseded by way of confes-
sion of judgment, may be appealed from, or writ of error sued
thereon— 1826, ch. 200, ........
See Appeals...
Stay of execution, under supersedeas, upon judgments of justices of the
peace, to be computed from the date of the rendition of the judg-
ment— 1834, ch. 126, sec. 1, .......
In all cases of judgments in the county court at the second term, stay
of execution, under supersedeas, to be computed from the first
Thursday of the term next ensuing such second term — 1834, ch.
126, sec. 2, ..........
Stoves hired or rented, exempted from execution — 1834, ch. 180,
Such judgments* may be superseded, &c. as in cases of judgments
rendered by justices of the peace, a fair copy of the supersedeas, to
be filed with the chief justice within ten days, &c. and to be re-
corded in the judgment dockel, upon which execution may issue,
&c .— 1835, ch. 201, sec. 11, .......
No plaintiff in any supersedes, taken by any justice of the peace, shall
be entitled to have execution against any security after the expira-
tion of four years, from the dale thereof, Stc. — 1835, ch. 201,
sec. 12, .
Whenever five or more stockholders of any private corporation, shall
give notice to the principal officer at least thirty days prior to the
election, of their intention to canvass the votes which may be given,
it shall be the duty of such officer to give notice to all the stock-
holders in the state— 1836, ch. 264, §ec. 1, .
Oath required to be taken by every stockholder offering to vote — 1836,
ch. 264, sec. 1, .......... 1
*Magistrates' court.