No execution shall issue on any judgment obtained ia the court of ap-
peals or general court, or any decree in the chancery court, provided
the debtor shall come before one judge of the general court, one
justice of the county court, or two justices of the peace where he
resides, within two months after the rendition of such judgment,
and, with two other persons to be approved by such judge, &.c.
confess judgment for the debt and costs in the manner and form
herein prescribed — 1791, ch. 67, sec. 1,* .....
Such confession shall he signed by the judge, &c. and a certificate
thereof procured under his hand, which shall be a sufficient super-
sedeas to the sheriff to forbear serving the execution — 1791, ch.
67, sec. 1, ...........
Execution may be stayed on judgment rendered by a single magistrate,
on such confession of judgment, &c. before a justice of the peace
of the county, with security, such as he shall approve, to be signed
and certified as in other cases — 1791, ch. 67, sec. 3,* .
Execution may be issued at any time within the two months before the
judgment is superseded, the day of issuing the execution to be en-
dorsed, and the time of superseding certified — Nov. 1792, ch. 74, .
If the party be taken in execution, such certificate afterwards obtained
shall be a sufficient supersedeas to the sheriff to release the prisoner
upon that execution, he paying or securing his fees for that impri-
sonment — 1791, ch. 67, sec. 4, .......
The judge, &,c. shall return the judgments so confessed to the clerk
where the first judgment was obtained, or (if on a judgment by a
single magistrate,) to the clerk of the county, by the next court in
course after, to be entered on record, under the penalty of £3 —
1791, ch. 67, sec. 4,* .........
After the expiration of the lime limited in such confession, execution
may be taken out without any scire facias, or other delay, against
the principal or security, or all or either of them, for such judg-
ment so confessed — 1791, ch. 67, sec. 4, .....
Directions as to the return of supersedeascs and issuing executions
thereon— 1801, ch. 62, ...... .
As to fines on constables, and judgments against them for neglect —
1806, ch. 21, ..........
As to superseding judgments exceeding £10 — 1809, ch. 76,
As to executions on judgments assigned — 1811, ch. 174, .
See Small Debts.
Executors and administrators authorized to supersede and stay execu-
tion against the goods or their testator or intestate — 1820, ch. 80,
sec. 3, ...........
One justice to take supersedes, where two justices were before re-
quired— 1820, ch. 80, sec. 4, .......
* See notes to this chapter, where the law, as it now exists under its various
modifications, is to be found.