Sheriff not to seize tobacco unstripped, but only for levies, taxes, &c.
1715, ch. 46, sec. 1, ........
Sheriffs shall not charge more than single imprisonment fees, though
the parly is in prison at the suit of several persons 1715, ch. 46,
sec. 15, ........ ...
Directions respecting suits on sheriffs' bonds 1729, ch. 25,
All actions brought on them to be sued within five years after pass-
ing such bonds 1729, ch. 25, sec, 3, ......
On default for failing to make return of any writ of execution, may
be amerced 1794, ch. 54, sec. 1, ......
On amerciament for failing to make return of any original writ, or to
bring in persons taken on such writs 1794, ch. 54, sec. 2, .
Directions respecting rules for a return 1794, ch. 54, sec. 4,
Such judgments when paid by sheriffs to be assigned to them 1794,
ch. 64, sec. 3, ........
See Amerciaments Defaults.
fines recovered before a justice of the peace, except the informer's
part, to be paid by the constable to the sheriffs, and by them to the
treasurer Feb. 1777, ch. 6,* .......
Duty of the sheriffs as to fines recovered in court 1777, ch. 6,
Where any writ of capias ad satisfuciendum shall issue, poundage shall
in no case be demanded or taken upon execution thereof, or upon
charging any person in execution by virtue thereof for any greater
sum than the real debt bona tide due and claimed by the plaintiff
amounts to Nov. 1779, ch. 25, sec. 4, ... . .
Such sum the clerk or the plaintiff, his agent or attorney, shall make
and specify on the back of such writ, with a note, (in case of pe-
nalty,) that the growing interest is claimed till payment 1779, ch.
25, sec. 4, ...........
No sheriff shall be obliged to execute such writ without such endorse-
ment 1779, ch. 25, sec. 4, .......
On execution or attachment on lands held for years, or a greater estate,
only one-half the poundage fees 1790, ch. 59, sec. 2,*
If the estate in land shall not be chargeable by appraisement, and deli-
vered to the plaintiff, or by sale of the sheriff, the quarter part only
of the poundage fees shall be chargeable 1790, ch. 59, sec. 2,*
Sheriffs empowered to receive and collect, by execution or otherwise,
all officers' fees put into their hands for collection within the time
limited by law, in the last year of their offices ; and all fees which
became or shall become due to them for ofticial services performed
in the second year of their offices, in as full and ample manner as
the said sheriffs might or could have received and collected the
same during the time of their being sheriffs, fur the space of one
year next ensuing the expiration of their respective offices Nov.
1788, ch. 31, sec. 1, .........
An account to be previously left, written in words at length, and an
oath to be taken, that no part has been received, or any security or
satisfaction, except what is credited 1788, ch. 31, sec. 2, .
* See note thereto.