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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
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Duty of sheriffs respecting hawkers and pedlars — 1784, ch. 7, sec. 6,


p. 183 ; ch. 37, sec. 23, ........


It shall be the duty of the several sheriffs to receive, and safe keep in


their respective gaols, all such prisoners as may be committed unl-


der the authority of the United States, until they shall be discharged


by the due course of the laws thereof, under the like penalties as if


committed under the authority of this state — 1789, ch. 30, .


Provided, that the United States shall, at the discharge of the prisoners,


pay fifty cents per month for each to the sheriff for the use of the


county— 1789, ch. 30, ........


Provided also, that they are to support such prisoners, if committed for


offences against the constitution or the laws of the United States —


1789, ch. 30, ..........


The sheriffs' bonds to be taken between the eighth of October and the


first of January in each year, in the county courts, or out of court


before the chief justice, or two associates — 1794, ch. 54, sec. 8, .


One judge of the county court may take sheriff's bond — 1805, ch. 65,


sec. 13, .........


Any two justices of the orphans court may do so — 1806, ch. 16,


They may qualify the sheriff— 1815, ch. 62, .....


The form of the bond prescribed, and the penalty to be £10,000 —


1794, ch. 54, sec. 8, .........


Upon the death, resignation, &c. of any sheriff, the person appointed


to succeed him shall give bond in the manner prescribed by law


within sixty days from the date of his commission — 1799, ch. 91,


In suits on sheriffs' bonds, the clerk shall, before the writ be issued,


endorse thereon at whose instance and for whose use said suits


were instituted, which persons shall be answerable for the costs —


1794, ch. 54, sec. 10, ........


Sheriffs to return attachments issued from one county to another to


compel the attendance of witnesses to the county from which they


were issued — 1795, ch. 23, sec. 2, ......


The attorney-general, or any of his deputies, shall, ex officio, on the


application of the respective sheriffs, order writs of capias ad satis-


faciendum to be issued for the recovery of all fines, penalties and


forfeitures, imposed by any court of record, with the costs thereon


—1795, ch. 74, sec. 2, ........


All fines, &c. with the costs, shall be paid to the several sheriffs to


whom such writs shall be directed, who shall, on or before the


tenth day of November annually, pay over to the treasurer all such


money received by them, except the costs— 1795, ch. 74, sec. 3, .


Such writs to be returned to the term next succeeding the issuing


thereof— 1795, ch. 74, sec. 3, .... ...


If the person is returned as (aken thereon, the sheriff shall be obliged,


either to acknowledge in open court the receipt of the full amount


of such fines, &c. with the costs, or to produce the body of the


person, and in default thereof, the court, on motion of the attorney-


general, or any of his deputies, shall order judgment to be entered


against such sheriff for the amount — 1795, ch. 74, sec. 3,


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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 2803   View pdf image (33K)
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