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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
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They may summon witnesses, and compel their attendance, or direct


depositions to be taken, in the same manner as in the general court


—1786, ch. 22, sec. 2, ........


They shall give a copy of the complaint, and notice of the time, and if


the party does not then attend, may determine in his absence—


1786, ch. 22, sec. 2, .........


They may adjudge the costs and expenses to be paid by either party,


and compel payment, in the same manner as the general court —


1786, ch. 22, sec. 3, .........


Every sheriff, before he acts as such, shall take an oath or affirmation,


that he will not, directly or indirectly, receive any fee or reward


for doing his office but what is or shall be allowed by law, nor will,


directly or indirectly, receive the profits, or any part of the profits,


of any office held by any other person, and that he does not hold


the same office in trust or for the benefit of any other person —


Cont. art. 52.


Punishment of sheriffs so receiving the profits, &c. — Cont. art. 53.


Oath of office to he taken by sheriffs — Feb. 1777, ch. 5, ...


Form of a commission to a sheriff— 1777, ch. 5, ....


No sheriff or deputy sheriff shall plead as an attorney in the eourt


wherein he hears office — 1715, ch. 41, sec. 9, . .


Directions respecting the penalty of bail bonds to be taken by sheriffs


in civil cases — 1715, ch. 46, sec. 3, ......


See Bail.


Penalty on sheriffs collecting officers' fees by execution where the for-


mer sheriff's receipt is produced — 1715, ch. 46, sec. 6,


For refusing to allow in discount money due from them — 1715, ch. 46,


sec. 11,12, ..... .....


No sheriff or sub sheriff shall take any bond, bill or other writing obli-


gatory, without endorsing thereon the account for which the same


was passed — 1715, ch. 40, sec. 13, ... ...


Where a person is in execution on more than one execution, single


fees only chargeable — 1715, ch. 46, sec. 15, ....


Bonds, &c. taken by them without such endorsement shall be void,


and the officers taking them shall lose their debts, and he debarred


of suing any other action for the recovery — 1715, ch. 46, sec. 13,


To prevent their receiving damage thereby, the time of their remaining


in office shall not be accounted in the act of limitation — 1715, ch.


46, sec. 14, ..........


Mortgages, promissory notes or inland bills, taken by sheriffs or sub


sheriffs during their continuance, without endorsing the account for


which they were passed, shall be void, and the debt shall be lost —


1769, ch. 15, sec. 2, .........


On taking such mortgages, &c. they shall deliver to the debtor, if re-


quired, a fair account of the consideration — 1769, ch. 15, sec. 3, .


Sheriffs on receiving fees, shall deliver to the parly, on demand, a fair


account, in words at length, of the services, &c. — 1769, ch. 15,


sec. 4, ...... .....




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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 2801   View pdf image (33K)
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