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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
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The poundage fees of constables on executions, regulated — 1821,


ch. 162, ...........


When any goods, &c. are taken in execution, and the sheriff or coroner


shall return that the goods, &c. remain in his possession for want


of buyers, &c. and shall leave the county without having effected a


sale, the same proceedings shall be had as is directed by the act of


1813, ch. 102, in the event of the death of the sheriff— 1823, ch.


180, sec. 1, ..........


Sheriff removing not entitled to any of the poundage fees, but the same


to go to the sheriff effecting the sale— 1823, ch. 180, sec. 2, .


In case of removal before the return day, the plaintiff may obtain a du-


plicate of the writ to the then sheriff &c. who shall proceed there-


on— 1823, ch. 180, sec/ 2, ........


In case of removal, where persons are taken in execution before the


return day of the writ, such person may be again arrested upon tiie


production of the original writ by the sheriff — 1823, ch. 180, sec. 4,


Execution may issue on any judgment hereafter to be rendered in any


county court, or by any justice of the peace within this state, or


in the court of appeals, at any time within three years from the


date of such judgment— 1823, ch. 194,




Shall be elected in each county by ballot every third year ; that is to


say, two persons for the office of sheriff for each county — Const.


art. 42.


The one having the majority of votes, or (if both have an equal num-


ber,) either of them, at the discretion of the governor, to be com-


missioned by him for the office — Const, art. 42.


Such person having served for three years, shall be ineligible for the


four years next succeeding — Const, art. 42.


Bond with security to be taken every year as usual, and no sheriff


shall be qualified to act before the same is given — Const, art. 42.


In case of vacancy by death, &c. before the expiration of the said three


years, the other person chosen as aforesaid shall be commissioned


by the governor to execute the said office for the residue of the


said three years, the said person giving bond und security as afore-


said — Const, art. 42.


la case of his death, &c. before the expiration of the said time, a per-


son to be appointed as aforesaid by the governor and council, and


to give bond, &c. — Const, art. 42.


No person to be eligible to the office of sheriff for a county, but an in-


habitant thereof above the age of twenty-one, and having real and


personal property in the slate above the value of £1,000 — Const.


art. 42,


The governor and council empowered to judge of and determine the


validity of all elections for sheriffs, and if not made fairly and


freely, and agreeable to the constitution, to issue new writs of elec-


tion for sheriffs agreeably to the directions of the form or govern-


ment — Feb. 1777, ch. 19, sec. 3, .......


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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 2800   View pdf image (33K)
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