Where a sheriff, &c. has made sale, and died without executing a deed,
the court may direct the sheriff, Etc. for the time being, to execute
such deed— 1813, ch. 102, sec. 4, ......
In case of the death of a sheriff, &c. without making sale, his executor,
&c. to receive only half the poundage fees, and the next sheriff,
&c. making sale, the other half— 1813, ch. 102, sec. 5,
In case of death before the return day, the plaintiff may procure a du-
plicate, or (after the return day) a new writ to the then sheriff, &c.
who shall proceed thereon — 1813, ch. 102, sec. 6, . . .
The executors, &c. of the first sheriff so dying, not to receive any
poundage or other fees — 1813, ch. 102, sec. 7,
What shall be due and legal notice of sales — 1813, ch. 102, sec. 7,
p. 618 ; 1816, ch. 129, ........
Where the sheriff, &c. has arrested any person, and died before the re-
turn day, the sheriff, &c. for the time being may, on the same writ,
again arrest the person as if not before taken — 1813, ch. 102, sec. 8,
Not lawful to seize or take by execution any spinning wheel or loom,
which shall be loaned or hired out to any person for any debt due
by such person — 1813, ch. 135, .......
Process may be issued by any justice of the peace on transcripts from
the dockets or papers of a justice dying, resigning, &c. furnished
by the county clerks — 1814, ch. 82, sec. 1, .
Execution may be issued on judgments suspended by petition of in-
solvent debtors, on decision against such petitioners, without scire
facias— 1814, ch. 122, sec. 2, .......
Execution to be issued on judgments against sheriffs, &c. on arnercia-
ments for not returning process — 1815, ch. 149, sec. 1, 2,
A weekly allowance of eighty-seven and an half cents, to he paid by
the creditor to the sheriff, for the maintenance of debtors committed
under a ca. sa. issued by a justice of the peace — 1820, ch. 186,
sec. 1, ......... .
Mode prescribed for releasing the debtor, on the creditor's refusal to
pay the amount in advance — 1820, ch. 186, sec. 1,
But a release for want of payment of allowance by the creditor, not to
destroy his right to proceed against his debtor — 1820, ch. 186,
sec. 1, ...........
Same as to debtors arrested under ca. sa. issued by a county court,
court of appeals, or court of equity, or committed for want of spe-
cial bail— 1820, ch. 186, sec. 2, . .
But not to extend to any debtor convicted on allegations to be filed
under the act for the relief of sundry insolvent debtors, and con-
fined for any debt due before his application for the benefit of said
laws— 1820, ch. 186, sec. 3, .......
The bed, bedding, wearing apparel, and other necessary articles of
house-keeping, to the amount of $50, exempted from execution
for debt— 1820, ch. 198, sec. 1,* .....
This act repealed by— 1821, ch. 117, ......
*See note thereto.