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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
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Sheriffs, coroners or constables, on serving writs of capias ad satisfa-


ciendum, bound to accept payment as on writs of fieri facias —


1807, ch. 115, ..........


When to be issued from the court of appeals, and how returnable —


1800, ch. 69, p. 430 ; 1805, ch. 65, sec. 8, .


Execution to he awarded on judgments rendered on motion, against


county clerks, for money due to the state — 1800, ch. 82, sec. 4, .


Justices of the peace may issue execution to the constable to levy fines


on witnesses, against the offender's lands, goods, &c. — 1801, ch. 42,


No inhabitant to he arrested in execution, or on capias ad responden-


dem out of the county where he resides, till the return of non est


on a ca. sa. from his county, unless absconding — 1801, ch. 74,


sec. 11, . . . . . . . . . . .


On such arrest the person to be discharged — 1801, ch. 74, sec. 12,


Not to extend to persons absconding from justice — 1801, ch. 74, sec. 12,


Execution not to be levied on public papers of notaries deceased, re-


signed, &c. when lodged with the county clerks — 1801, ch. 86,


sec. 6, ...........


The act of 1716, ch. 16, as to writs of fieri facias and venditioni ex-


ponas, repealed — 1803, ch. 36, .......


Constables neglecting to return executions may be fined by the justice,


and judgment may be entered against them — 1806, ch. 21, sec. 2,


On return, and failure to produce the defendant, judgment may he en-


tered— 1806, ch. 21, sec. 2, .......


Executions issued, or to be issued, out of the court of appeals, upon


any judgment or decree therein, to he valid, &.c. in the same man-


ner as those issued from any court of law — 1810, ch. 156, .


The court of appeals vested with the like and similar powers with re-


spect to writs of execution, which the late general court possessed


or exercised— 1810, ch. 156, .......


Equitable estates or interests in lands, &c. liable to sale under writs of


fieri facias— 1810, ch. 160, ........


Where a judgment confessed before a justice of the peace with stay of


execution, has been assigned, no execution to issue until there has


been a demand by the assignee from the principal debtor — 1811,


ch. 174, ...........


But not necessary, if such debtor shall have removed since the judg-


ment from his then place of residence — 1811, ch. 174,


Where goods are returned taken and unsold, and the sheriff, &c. shall


die before a sale, the court may issue a venditioni exponas to the


sheriff, &c. where the goods lie, reciting especially the circum-


stances— 1813, ch. 102, sec. 1, .......


Such sheriff to take the property, make the sale, and return the same


—1813, ch. 102, sec. 1, ........


Liable to be proceeded against, and his bond answerable as in other


cases— 1813, ch. 102, sec. 1, ... ....


The schedule to be valid, as if hy the former sheriff, &c. — 1813, ch.


102, sec. 2, ..........


A deed to be executed in like manner — 1813, ch. 102, sec. 3,


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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 2798   View pdf image (33K)
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