Execution to be issued for costs on judgments, after appeal being re-
versed in the general court or the court of appeals — 1785, ch. 80,
sec. 6, p. 233 ; 1790, ch. 42, .......
All executions under the act for the speedy recovery of small debts, to
be returnable at a certain day, not exceeding forty days after the
teste thereof, before the justice issuing them, or before some other
—1791, ch. 68, sec. 6, ........
Execution may be awarded on a judgment against a constable, directed
to the sheriff, in case of non-payment of any debt admitted to be
received by him — 1791, ch. 68, sec. 6, .
A justice of the peace, after giving judgment, may charge the consta-
ble with the body of the debtor in execution, who is to carry him
to the sheriff, or execution may be awarded to one year from the
judgmenl—1791, ch. 68, sec. 1, .......
Execution shall not be stayed on appeal from such judgments, unless
bond is given as therein described — 1791, ch. 68, sec. 5,
On a decision being prayed in a county court on principles of equity,
the suit may be proceeded on to judgment, and execution shall not
be stayed unless the facts stated in the petition are verified by oath
or affirmation, and bond with security is given — 1791, ch. 78, sec. 5,
Execution, how to be issued for costs under the act to provide a sum-
mary mode of recovering possession of lands held by tenants for
years, &c.— 1793, ch. 43, ........
An immediate execution to issue on judgments obtained on motion on
behalf of the trustees of the poor against the collectors of the
county charges, on notice, &c. as therein prescribed — 1794, ch. 53,
sec. 3, ...........
No writ of error, supersedeas, injunction or appeal, to be allowed
thereon — 1794, ch. 53, sec. 3, .......
A similar provision as to judgments against sheriffs or collectors —
1797, ch. 43, ..........
The same on such judgments by sheriffs or collectors against their de-
puties— 1797, ch. 43, ........
Manner in which sheriffs or coroners may be defaulted on the return
of executions, and failing to bring in the person?, or on failing to
make returns, and their remedy against the defendants — 1794,
ch. 54, ...........
See Defaults— Sheriffs.
Execution, when to be issued to an elisor, and his power therein —
1794, ch. 54, sec. 5, 6,
Writs of fieri facias may, on the return of nulla bona, be issued against
the goods, &c. in any other county — 1794, ch. 54, sec. 9,
Writs of capias ad salisfaciendtim to be issued for the recovery of fines,
penalties and forfeitures — 1795, ch. 74, . . . . .
Execution may issue and have effect in the cases therein mentioned
against an executor as if he were sued in his own right — 1798, ch.
101, sub ch. 14, sec. 6, ........