shall conclude to every intent and purpose between the same par-
ties and those claiming under them — 1786, ch. 33, sec. 5,
Five years allowed to infants, &c. after the disability removed to com-
mence suit — 1786, ch. 33, sec. 5, ......
The commissioners not empowered to vary from the lines or bounda-
ries at the termination of them fairly agreed on between the parties
—1786, ch. 33, sec. 6, ........
Such agreement, and a plot thereof, may by consent, be recorded, and
shall have the same e fleet as if the location had been settled by
commissioners — 1786, ch. 33, sec. 6, .
Allowance to the commissioners, surveyor, chain-carriers and witnesses,
and- mode of compelling payment — 1786, ch. 33, sec. 7,
Where the land, on the execution of a commission, is deficient in the
quantity for which it was granted, or is partly taken away by an
elder survey, the commissioners shall, oil the request of the party,
cause any adjoining vacant land, (not exceeding the said deficien-
cy,) to be surveyed, marked and bounded, and shall return with
their proceedings a certificate thereof — 1786, ch. 33, sec. 9, .
On such certificate being recorded in the county records, and also in
the records of patents in the land-office, the party shall be seized
of an estate in fee in the said lands — 1786, ch. 33, sec. 9, .
When vacant land is so discovered, and is not requested to be ap-
plied to make good deficiency, the commissioners shall, if re-
quested, award the pre-emption thereof, or a part thereof, to any
proprietor of the lands adjoining — 1786, ch. 33, sec. 10,
But the whole quantity to one proprietor not to exceed fifty acres, un-
less his adjoining tract exceeds one thousand acres, in which case
they may allow at the rate of five for every hundred acres — 1786,
ch 33, sec. 10, ..........
The person obtaining such pre-emption shall have six months to pro-
cure a warrant from the land-office to affect and secure the land,
and on complying with the requisites, a grant shall issue therefor —
1786, ch. 33, sec. 10, ..
If any president or director of any chartered bank, shall embezzle
or secrete, or make way with any money bill, bond or other evi-
dence of debt, he shall be deemed guilty of felony — 1820, ch. 162,
sec. 1, ...........
Punishment of a cashier, guilty of like offence — 1820, ch. 162, sec. 1,
If any person shall give any bribe, present or reward, or any promise,
or any security for the payment or delivery of any money, or any
other thing, to obtain or procure a vote to be governor, senator,
delegate to congress or assembly, member of council or judge, or to
be appointed to any of the said offices, or to any office of profit or
trust now created, or hereafter to be created, in this state, the person
giving and the person receiving the same, on conviction in a court