general, to be done by such persons and in such manner as the
legislature shall direct— 1816, ch. 247, Const.
A person of sound legal knowledge to be appointed by the governor
and council attorney-general, who is to reside in this state — 1821,
ch. 126, sec. 1, ..........
His duty to appear in all cases in which the state is interested, and to
exercise the other powers and authorities heretofore exercised by
the attorney-general — 1821, ch. 126, sec. 1, ....
To give his opinion when required by the general assembly, or either
branch, the governor and council, the treasurer of either shore or
any of his own deputies — 1821, ch. 126, sec. 1, . . . .
His oath of office— 1821, ch. 126, sec. 2, ......
His fees— 1821, ch. 126, sec. 3, .......
To aid his deputies in prosecuting any suit when required by the go-
vernor and council — 1821, ch. 126, sec. 4, .
To hold his commission during good behaviour, removeable on the ad-
dress of the general assembly — 1821, ch. 126, sec. 5, .
The act of 1817, providing for the appointment of an attorney-general
and of district attorneys and its supplement, the act of 1819, ch, 37,
repealed— -1821, ch. 126, sec. 6, .......
Upon the application of treasurers of either shore required to appoint
attorneys in any county in which he has no resident deputy, to at-
tend to state claims, &c.— 1829, ch. 90, sec. 1, ....
Their duties when so appointed, and their fees — 1829, ch. 90, sec. 1, .
Directed to prosecute for the recovery of penalties incurred by civil
officers under existing laws of the state — 1830, ch. 171,
Certain powers extended to, relative to the collection of revenue — 1831,
ch. 68, ...........
On application of, county courts may compromise any assault and bat-
tery, where recognizances have been entered into, and before pre-
sentment, &c.— 1831, ch. 208, sec. 3, ......
When directed by the general assembly to cause scire facias to issue
against corporations — 1832, ch, 306, sec, 1, ....
Persons presented by the grand jury upon the information of the she-
riff, for failing to comply with the provisions of the act regulating
licences, to be proceeded against by the attorney-general or his de-
puties, as in ordinary presentments — 1834, ch. 233, sec. 2, .
Upon complaint of any officer of St. John's College, attorney-general to
prosecute any person who shall give credit to a student, &c.
See Crimes and Punishments.
Magistrates' courts not to exercise criminal jurisdiction in any case
where the attorney-general or his deputy shall express his dissent
in writing, unless the justices of any such court shall unanimously
determine to take cognizance of such case — 1835, ch. 201, sec. 8,
Or deputy, to furnish defendant, indicted for obtaining any chattel,
money or valuable security by false pretences, with names of the
witnesses and a statement of the false pretences, &c. — 1835, ch.
319, sec. 2, ..........