Directed, as a person appointed to an office of profit and trust, before
he eaters on the execution of his office, to take the oath therein
prescribed, and to subscribe a declaration of his belief in the Chris-
tian religion - Const. art. 65.
His oath as attorney -general prescribed — Feb. 1777, ch 5, sec. 1,
The form of his commission — 1777, ch. 5, sec. 1, . .
No attorney-general, clerk of the peace, or of indictments, shall ex-
hibit any bill of indictment to a grand jury without a presentment,
unless by an order from the court, or one of the justices thereof, or
unless the offender be bound over to such court, or presented by
the grand jury of their own knowledge, under the penalties therein
mentioned — 1715, ch. 48, see. 1, 2, p. 41 ; 1722, ch. 5, .
The attorney-general, &c. in prosecutions under this act, shall be as
particular as possible in describing the place or lands affected by
the setting up or destroying the boundaries therein prohibited—
1722, ch. 8, sec. 4, . . . . . .
Fees allowed to the attorneygeneral— 1715, ch. 48, sec. 7,
On a bill by a citizen to foreclose a mortgage against a British subject,
the attorney-general to be served with notice, and to appear in be-
half of the state— 1785, ch. 72* sec 30, . .
The attorney-general directed to appear to petitions for the sale of
lands liable to escheat, for the payment of debts — 1785, ch. 78,
sec. 1, . .
Directed to appear on a petition to obtain a conveyance of such land,
where bound by a contract for sale — 1785, ch. 78, sec. 1, .
The chancellor may decree that the attorney-general shall execute a
conveyance of such lands — 1785, ch. 78, sec. 1, .
The attorney-general to be made a party in the determination by the
counsellor of disputes between the state and the purchasers of
confiscated property-April, 1787, ch. 30, sec. 4, ...
The attorney-general, or either of his deputies, shall} on the applica-
tion of the sheriff, order writs of capias ad satisfaciendum for the
recovery of all fines, &c. imposed by any court of record, and
costs—1795, ch. 74, sec. 2, ...... 4 . .
On default of the sheriff to acknowledge in open court the receipt of
such fines, &c. or to bring in the person taken, the court, on mo-
tion of the attorney -general or his deputy, shall order judgment
against such sheriff for the amount— 1795, ch. 74, sec. 4,
To be defendant in suits brought in the chancery court against the
state— 1799, ch. 79, sec. 7,
The states' agent empowered to take the advice of the attorney^general
in writing for his information of the law— 1799, ch, 80, sec. 4,
To be made a party for a suit in chancery for conveyance of land,
where the legal title is in British subjects, or vested in the state —
1805, ch. 93, sec. 2, ....
All and every part of the constitution, which related to the attorney-
general abrogated— 1816, ch. 247, Const.
The duties provided by law to be done and performed by the attorney-