No person shall practise the law in any court of this state, without
being admitted by the justices thereof, who have power to admit
and also to suspend — 1715, ch. 48, sec. 12, ....
Admission of attorneys to practise law in the courts of the state, regu-
lated by 1831, ch. 268, sec. 1, .......
No justice of the peace, sheriff, deputy sheriff, clerk, or deputy clerk,
shall plead as an attorney in the court wherein he bears office —
1715, ch. 41, sec. 9, .........
No register of wills shall plead as an attorney in any court in the
county where he is register — 1786, ch. 10, sec. 1,
Justices of the orphans court not to act as attorneys or solicitors in any
court of law or equity in this state during the time they shall act
as such — 1791, ch. 76, sec. 3.
Attorneys to take the oath therein prescribed — Feb. 1777, ch. 5, sec. 1,
The judges of courts are authorized to observe the demeanor of prac-
titioners of the law before them, and to discountenance and punish
liberties tending to lessen the authority of the courts, by suspension
perpetually, or for a time, or by fine — 1719, ch. 4, sec. 2,
To every attorney in a county court, for bringing, prosecuting or de-
fending, any action to final judgment, agreement, or other end
thereof, shall be paid one hundred pounds of tobacco, except where
the debt or damage recovered be upwards of two thousand pounds
of tobacco, or £10 sterling, in which case he shall have two hun-
dred pounds of tobacco — 1715, ch. 48, sec. 7, . . .
See 1810, ch. 126 ; 1805, ch. 65.
For prosecuting or defending any cause, plaint or action, in the general
court, to final judgment, four hundred pounds of tobacco — 1715,
ch. 48, sec. 7, ..........
For any fee in the chancery or admiralty court, six hundred pounds of
tobacco — 1715, ch. 48, sec. 7, . . . .
For any fee in the commissary's court, four hundred pounds of tobacco
—1715, ch. 48, sec. 7, ........
For any fee upon writs of error or appeal, six hundred pounds of to-
bacco — 1715, ch. 48, see. 7, .......
Any practitioner demanding or receiving more than by this act appoint-
ed, shall be incapable of practising the law in any court in this
state for the future — 1715, ch. 48, sec. 8, .....
Attorney's fees, by this act, are levyable by execution as other officers'
fees, and the sheriffs are obliged to levy and execute the same
accordingly — 1715, ch. 48, sec. 10, ......
All bills, bonds, or other specialties, taken by an attorney, shall be en-
dorsed for what or how they became due, or in default thereof shall
be void— 1715, ch. 48, sec. 9, .......
Attorneys practising in any county court are liable to actions in that
county as if they were inhabitants thereof— 1722, ch. 12, sec. 4, .
Where actions are discontinued, through the default of an attorney, he
may be fined five thousand pounds if in the general court, and two