the said court may. have in bank, belonging to the district in
which the child or children named in such account reside.
may be
loaned on
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That in December in each year,
the orphans court shall ascertain whether there is any money
unexpended belonging to any district, and if there should be
any unexpended money, the same shall be lent out by said
orphans court, on mortgage of real estate, for the use of the
school fund of such district, and the same, together with all
unexpended moneys belonging to any district under the laws
relating to the school fund, and the interest which have thereon
accrued, shall, from time to time, at the end of each year, be
invested in mortgages of real estate, for the use of the school
fund of such district.
To be made
to orphans
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the mortgages under this
act, shall be made to the orphans court of Harford county, and
shall be payable to such court for the use of the respective
districts to which the money lent belonged, and all suits or
actions may be instituted by the orphans court which may be
necessary to recover any money lent under this act.
money to be
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That hereafter when the county
shall be laid off into school districts, the surplus which may
accumulate in each election district, shall be divided among
the school districts of such election district, so as to give the
whole benefit of the fund to the use of the poor children.
AH ACT to provide for the appointment of a Wood-corder in the Town of
Havre-de-Grace, in Harford County.— 1839, ch. 246.
corder to be
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
that the governor, by the advice and consent of the senate, be,
and they are hereby required to appoint a suitable person as a
corder of fire-wood, in Havre-de-Grace town, Harford county,
whose duty it shall be, when called upon by any seller or pur-
chaser of any fire-wood, to inspect and measure the same forth-
with, as he in his judgment may think to be proper and just.
His com-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That it shall be lawful for the
said corder of fire-wood, to charge and receive six cents and
one-fourth of a cent for each and every cord of fire-wood which
be may be called on to inspect and measure, to be paid by the
seller, and on neglect or refusal of the seller to pay the same,
the said corder of fire-wood is hereby authorized to collect the
same as other small debts are collected.
Oath of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That before the said corder shall
proceed to inspect and measure any fire-wood, he shall take
the following oath : I, A. B. do swear on the Holy Evangely
of Almighty God, that I will inspect and measure fire-wood
without favour or partiality, to the best of my knowledge, skill
and judgment, so held me God.