more persons, praying for a landing place, the said commis-
sioners shall proceed in the same manner in all respects that
they are now authorized to do, in laying out or opening public
roads ; and they shall, upon the return of the commissioners
by them appointed, condemn and establish public landings of
sufficient extent to serve the public convenience, whenever
the said commissioners of Harford county, upon a consideration
of all the circumstances, shall be of opinion that the public
interest requires a public landing at the place or places men-
tioned in any such petition or petitions.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That in all applications to be
made for public landings, or for the opening, altering, laying
out or shutting up of any public road in Harford county, the
notice of such intended application shall be by advertisement,
for not less than three weeks previous thereto, in the news-
papers or newspaper printed in said county.
A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT for the distribution of School Moneys, and the
encouragement of Schools and Teachers in Harford County. — 1839,
ch. 125.
Notice of
SEC. 1. Be it enacted , by the General Assembly of Maryland ',
That the orphans court of Harford county, shall receive and
apportion the money among the election districts as provided
for in the previous acts, but shall not pay over the same to the
school commissioners, but instead thereof, shall deposite the
same in some safe bank, to be disposed of as herein after
court to
receive and
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said orphans court shall
pay to the several schoolmasters and teachers of said county,
by a check on the bank in which the money may be deposited
under this act, all such accounts as said schoolmasters or
teachers may present, provided such accounts are stated,
proved and certified as herein after directed ; and that no
account shall be paid unless it is so stated, proved and cer-
To pay
teacher by
check on
certified .
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That every schoolmaster or
teacher shall state in his accounts, the name and age as nearly
as he can ascertain the same, of each child for the tuition of
which he claims payment, and shall state the number of days
that each child actually attended school, and shall make oath,
to be annexed to or endorsed on such account, that the same is
just and true ; and after the account is so stated and proved,
the certificate of some one of the school commissioners of the
district in which the child or children named in the account
reside, that such commissioner believes the account to be cor-
rect, and that it ought to be paid out of the school fund ; and
when the account is so stated, proved and certified, upon pre-
sentment to the orphans court, it shall be paid out of any funds
How teach-
ers' ac-
counts to
be stated
and certified