on the same day and place, when and where they meet to
ascertain and certify the number of votes given as aforesaid
for commissioners, and they shall also certify and return to the
clerk of Charles county court, the seven persons whom they
shall find to have received the highest number of legal votes,
as the duly elected commissioners for Charles county, to serve
for three years from the time of said election, which certificates
shall be deposited with the clerk of Charles county court by
said judges, and which shall be by said clerk filed in his office
for the inspection of any person or persons desirous to in-
spect the same. And the persons elected as commissioners as
aforesaid, shall elect one of their body as their president ; and
if any commissioner or commissioners so elected, shall die,
resign, refuse or neglect within sixty days to qualify as com-
missioner under this act, or shall remove from said county at
any time within the period for which they shall have been
elected, the remaining commissioners, having properly quali-
fied, or a majority of them, shall appoint a person qualified as
is herein before provided, in case of an original election to fill
his place, until the next annual general election for delegates
to the general assembly, when a person or persons shall be
elected in the manner herein before described to fill the
vacancy or vacancies so occasioned by deaths, resignations,
refusal or neglect to qualify, to serve for the residue of his
or their terms.
Case of
failure to
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That in case of a failure to elect
seven commissioners, by reason of a tie, it shall be the duty of
the sheriff of Charles county, upon receiving official informa-
tion of the fact from the clerk of said county, to appoint a day
for holding a new election for a commissioner or commission-
ers, upon at least ten days notice, exclusive of the day of
holding such election, and the judges of election shall hold
the same under the regulations herein before provided, for the
regular election of commissioners for said county, and make
their returns in the same manner.
sioners to
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That every commissioner elected
or appointed as aforesaid, shall, before he enters on the duties
of his office, take and subscribe before some judge or justice
of the peace, an oath or affirmation that he will be faithful and
bear true allegiance to the state of Maryland, that he will sup-
port the constitution and laws thereof, that he will to the best
of his skill and judgment diligently and faithfully, without
partiality or prejudice, execute the office of commissioner of
Charles county according to the constitution and laws of the
state ; which oath or affirmation, certified and subscribed by
the judge or justice of the peace administering the game, shall
be recorded in the office of the clerk of said county court.