AN ACT authorizing the Trustees of the Poor of Charles County to
exchange certain land. — 1839, ch. 53.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the trustees of the poor of Charles county, be, and they or a
majority of them are, hereby authorized and empowered to
exchange a certain part or parts of a tract or tracts of land held
by them, with Gustavus Brown, for a certain part or parts of a
tract or tracts of land held by him in fee simple, adjoining each
other; Provided, the said trustees, in their discretion, shall
deem the same advantageous.
Trustees of
the poor
to exchange
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted. That the said trustees, or a
majority of them be, and they are hereby fully authorized and
empowered to make, do and execute all acts, deeds and con-
veyances necessary and proper to effect the exchange aforesaid.
AN ACT to abolish the Levy Court of Charles County, and to provide for
the Election of Commissioners for said County. — 1839, ch. 96.
And make
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the first Wednesday in October next, the
levy court of Charles county be, and the same is hereby
Levy court
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That after the election of com-
missioners of Charles county, herein after provided for, the
board of commissioners for Charles county shall consist of
seven persons.
Board of
sioners to
consist of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That in addition to the qualifi-
cation now required to be eligible as a member of the house
of delegates of Maryland, the persons voted for as commission-
ers, shall have resided in Charles county for at least one year
immediately preceding the election.
tion of com-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the mode and manner of
electing commissioners for Charles county shall be as follows :
the voters of said county qualified to vote for members of the
house of delegates of Maryland, shall, at the annual general
election for delegates to the general assembly, in the year
eighteen hundred and forty, and at the same time every three
years thereafter, vote for seven persons possessing the qualifi-
cations herein required, to be commissioners for said county.
Mode of
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the judges of election for
each election district, or a majority of them, shall certify and
return in a form and manner similar to the certificates and
returns of delegates to the general assembly, the number of
votes given in their said respective districts for commissioners
as aforesaid, and the returning judges of election shall meet
Return of
election to
be made to
clerk of Co.