ed or ap-
pointed for
manner, unless by this act otherwise provided for, all such
officers and authorities as are now appointed, elected and esta-
blished in Anne Arundel county, and their rights, powers and
duties shall be in all respects within Howard district, similar
to those of such officers or authorities in Anne Arundel
county, and their qualifications and compensation shall be in
rights, com-
all respects similar ; and that all officers of the district afore-
said, shall have, receive and take to their own use, all lawful
fees and perquisites as are allowed to the officers of Anne
Arundel county for the like services, and such officers as are
not remunerated for their services by fees and perquisites,
shall be paid the same amount that is paid to such officers in
Anne Arundel county, and in the same manner, and all the
officers of said district shall be subject to the same pains, dis-
abilities and forfeitures, and those only which such other offi-
cers are subject to under the constitution and laws of this
state; and that the clerk of the court of Howard district of
Anne Arundel county, shall be considered as a clerk of a
county court, and perform the same services and duties within
the said district as the clerk of Anne Arundel county court
has heretofore discharged, in reference to the whole county of
Anne Arundel, or the inhabitants thereof.
Privilege of
from arrest.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That no inhabitant of the dis-
trict aforesaid shall be arrested on any capias ad respondendum,
or satisfaciendum, out of the limits of said district, except in
those cases where it is lawful to arrest an inhabitant out of his
own proper county.
in Anne
court to
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That all proceedings, writs,
process and pleas at law and in equity civil and criminal, de
pending in Anne Arundel county court at the time of the
passage of this act, shall there remain and continue until the
final determination and execution thereof in due course of law,
and for that purpose the officers of Anne Arundel county shall
have as full power and authority in Howard district as if this
act and the act of eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, chapter
twenty-two, had not been passed, but that after the passage of
this act, the court of Howard district of Anne Arundel county,
the orphans court and the other authorities of Howard dis-
of courts.
trict, shall have in such cases a jurisdiction as exclusive as the
authorities of any county of this state would have within said
county, except as herein provided for.
Seat of jus-
tice; site
for court-
house, &c.
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That the commissioners of said
district, be and they are hereby authorized and directed upon
the selection of a place for the seat of justice, to select sites for
the erection thereon of a court-house, clerk's office, register of
wills' office, jail and poor's-house, at or near said place, and on
the part of said district to contract, agree for, and purchase the