of the western shore aforesaid, and shall at the same time pay
over to the said treasurer the said sum of two dollars on every
hundred dollars of such premium.
Agents to
give bond.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That before any agent or agents
as aforesaid shall act as such in this state, he shall give bond
with sureties to be approved by the treasurer aforesaid, in the
penalty of five thousand dollars, to render a true list of such
premiums to said treasurer, and to pay to him the said sum of
two dollars on every hundred dollars of said premiums on the
day above mentioned, and any agent or agents offending
against the provisions of this section, shall forfeit the sum of
five hundred dollars for every such offence, recoverable as
other fines and forfeitures ; Provided, that notwithstanding
such forfeiture and the payment thereof, the said agent or
agents shall be personally liable for payment of the said sum
of two dollars on every hundred dollars of such premiums to
the treasurer aforesaid ; And provided further, that the princi-
pals of such agent or agents and their property shall be also
responsible for payment of said tax, and shall and may be
proceeded against by suit, attachment or otherwise, as the case
may require.
tions de-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That foreign corporations within
the contemplation of this act, be and they are hereby defined to
be such corporations as do not derive their charters from this
state, but from some other one of the United States of America,
or of a district or territory thereof.
tions in-
venting in
this state
to certain
amount to
be exempt.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That any foreign corporations as
aforesaid, who may invest, to the amount of seventy-five thou-
sand dollars of their capital, in any of the loans of this state, or
of the city of Baltimore, upon having the same investment duly
certified by the commissioner of loans of this state, or by the
register of said city, and having the said certificate published
in all the daily newspapers of said city for two weeks at least,
and on giving the bond herein after prescribed, shall be per-
mitted to make contracts of insurance within this state without
making the payments provided for in the first section.
Agents to
give bond
for continu-
ance of
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That before any foreign corpora-
tion shall be permitted to make contracts of insurance within
this state, although they may have made the investment herein
before provided for, the agent or agents of said corporations
shall give bond to the state of Maryland in the penal sum of
twenty thousand dollars, current money, with sureties, to be
approved by any judge of this state, or the mayor of the city of
Baltimore, conditioned fpr the continuance of the whole of said
investment during the time policies effected by citizens of this
state with the said agent or agents may have to run, and con-
ditioned for the payment of all losses for which the said cor-