poration may be liable under said policies ; and each creditor
shall have a right of action on such bond, in the same manner
as if a separate bond was given for each creditor ; And pro-
vided, that the giving such bond shall not prevent a creditor
from pursuing any remedy he may or would have had, if no
bond had been required or given ; And provided also, that
such bond shall be recorded by the clerk of Baltimore county
court, and a copy under the seal of that court shall be evidence.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That upon any diminution of said
investment, by sale or otherwise, the permission heretofore
granted to the corporations respectively making said investment,
shall be revoked.
AN ACT, entitled, a Supplement to an Act passed at December session,
eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, relating to Sheriffs— 1839, ch. 223.
On diminu-
tion of in-
WHEREAS, by an act of the general assembly of Maryland,
passed at December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight,
chapter two hundred and seventy-five, the clerk of each county
in this state shall in open court at the commencement of each
term of the county court of such county, administer to the
sheriff of each county of this state, an oath mentioned in the
first section of said act ; And whereas, the regular business of
the term might be obstructed by the sickness or absence of that
officer ; therefore,
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall and may be lawful from and after (he passage of
this act, for the clerks of the respective county courts in this
state, to administer the oath mentioned in the first section of
said act, to the sheriff of each county in this state, at the time
he makes his return of jurors for the ensuing term of said re-
spective courts, or at the opening of said courts.
When oath
may be ad-
to sheriff.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all that part pf said section
of said act, as is repugnant to or inconsistent with this act, be
and the same is hereby repealed, and this act shall go into
operation from and immediately after its passage.
AN ACT, entitled., a further Supplement to the Act relating to Mortagages.
1839, ch. 233.
To be in
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That upon the death of a mortgagee of land, his interest and
estate in the mortgaged premises, together with his right to the
debt thereby secured, shall [devole] on and rest in his execu-
tor or administrator.
gee's in-
terest to
descend to
his executor
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That a release or conveyance of
mortgaged real estate made by the executor or administrator of
a deceased mortgagee and executed, acknowledged and re-
corded in the form prescribed by law for conveying or releas-
may be
given by
executor of