they shall state the fact, and for what sum of money said house
Court au-
thorized to
build or
may be obtained, and the levy court may, if they shall think
proper, purchase a site and erect a house in each school dis-
trict in said county, or purchase any school-house already
erected as aforesaid, and to that end may do, or authorize to be
done all acts necessary for that purpose.
Payment di-
rected from
school fund.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That if the said levy court shall
purchase the said sites and erect said buildings, or purchase
said school-houses, so much of the free school fund of said
county, as is necessary to defray the expense of said purchases
and buildings, and all other expenses authorized by this act,
shall be applied and appropriated to that purpose, under the
direction of the levy court.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That each of the commissioners
for every day's attendance in virtue of this act, shall receive
two dollars ; Provided, they shall not be paid for more than
five days each.
Act of 1835,
ch. 163,
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That an act entitled, an act to
authorize the appointment of commissioners and the division
of Worcester county into school districts, and for other pur-
poses therein named, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and thirty-five, chapter one hundred and sixty-three,
be and the same is hereby repealed.
A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT,, emitted, an Act to authorize the appointment
of Commissioners, and the division of Worcester County into School
Districts, and for other purposes. — 1838, ch. 371.
Board of
to he an-
nually ap-
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the levy court, or commissioners of Worcester county,
are hereby authorized and required at their first meeting, en-
suing the first day of April, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine,
and annually thereafter, to appoint five discreet sensible men,
in said county, who in their judgment are well qualified for
the performance of the duties herein imposed, who shall con-
stitute a board of primary education in Worcester county.
Meeting in
May, 1839.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid board of pri-
mary education, appointed as above directed, shall meet on
some day in May, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, at Snow-
hill, and shall proceed to examine and review the returns of
Revive and
the agents heretofore appointed by the levy court, of the
county aforesaid, and alter, or amend said returns so as more
completely to carry out the design of said agents in a more
just and equal division of the county into school districts, so
far as that can be effected by their geographical knowledge
Define the
and good judgment, without an actual survey, designating the
bounds and limits of each district by roads, branches, creeks,
rivers and plantations, as the case may require, and desig-