nating the most suitable location for the school-house of such
district, and it shall be the duty of the said board, to select
such districts as shall be first supplied with a school-house,
Fix rite
for school-
and to ascertain the true number of poor children justly enti-
tled to the benefit of the free school fund of Worcester county,
as also the number of white citizens within the limits of each
Number of
school district, so as aforesaid designated, and make out and
return to the levy court, or commissioners of said county, on,
or before the first day of August, eighteen hundred and thirty-
nine, a full report of their proceedings and investigations,
which report shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the
court of said county.
Report pro-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the board aforesaid as afore-
said, shall and they are hereby authorized and required to
designate all the districts numerically, and to appropriate so
much of the amount of the interest, or dividends arising from
the school fund, and the amount of the yearly dividends from
the banks to which Worcester county shall be entitled as a
school fund, as the commissioners for said county shall adjudge
Number the
and direct, to be distributed annually to each school district in
proportion to their respective number of white citizens in said
the school
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all the citizens of each dis-
trict legally entitled to vote for delegates to the general assem-
bly, shall meet on the 6rst Monday of August, eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-nine, and annually thereafter, at the place
designated by the board aforesaid as the proper place for the
meeting of
voters in
each school
school-house of their respective districts, and then elect four
trustees to act in conjunction with one to be appointed by the
board of primary schools as aforesaid, as a board of trustees.
Elect four
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
board of trustees of each district, to ascertain and determine
what scholars shall be admitted in their school, who shall be
entitled to the poor school fund, and also shall have full power
and authority to admit such other scholars as may be able to
contribute to said school upon such terms as they may deter-
mine, not exceeding one dollar per month, and it shall be their
further duty to examine and ascertain the qualification of any
teacher or teachers, that may apply for employment as a
teacher to their school, before employing such teacher, and
to visit their schools every two months during the time it
is in operation, to examine the scholars and to see that their
school is properly conducted in every particular, and they are
hereby authorized to make and adopt such rules and regula-
tions for the government of their school as they may deem
proper and necessary, to dismiss the teachers of their school,
whenever the interest of the school in their judgment may
require it
Their duties