sion as are directed by the act aforesaid, to which this is a
further supplement.
When com-
are in-
tc rested.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That in case any one or more of
the said commissioners appointed in virtue of this law, be re-
lated to any or either of the parties interested in any land or
lands, or adjoining lands on which a commission to mark and
bound is about to be prayed, the county court shall, and may
issue a commission to other commissioner, or commissioners,
in the room of said commissioner or commissioners interested
or related as aforesaid.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the commissioners appointed
by virtue of this law, shall receive as a compensation for his
or their services, the sum of two dollars for every day he or
they may act as such, to be paid by the petitioner or persons
Aw ACT to abolish the Levy Court of Saint Mary's County, and to provide
for the election of Commissioners for said County by the People thereof.
1838, ch. 67.
Levy court
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, the levy court of
Saint Mary's county, be, and the same is hereby abolished.
Five com-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That after the election of com-
missioners of Saint Mary's county, herein after provided for, the
board of commissioners for Saint Mary's county, shall consist of
One elected
from each
in April,
five members ; one to be elected from each election district in
said county, as the said districts are now laid out and divided.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That an election shall be held on
the first Monday in April next ensuing the passage of this act,
in the several districts of Saint Mary's county, in the manner
herein after provided for, for five commissioners of said county
to exercise all the powers herein after granted to the commis-
sioners to be elected on the first Wednesday of October, eigh-
teen hundred and forty one, and to hold their offices until the
election of commissioners for said county, at the said election
in eighteen hundred and forty-one, and that the sheriff of Saint
Mary's county, give the legal notice of holding said election ;
and that the commissioners so elected, when qualified, shall
have the power of electing a clerk, at the same compensation
as is now allowed by law to the clerk of the levy court of said
county, whose duties shall be the same as are now performed
by the clerk of said levy court.
from Octo-
ber, 1841.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the mode and manner of
electing commissioners for Saint Mary's county, shall be as
follows : the voters of each election district, who are now, or
may be at the time of election, qualified to vote for members of