A further SUPPLEMENT to the ACT, entitled, an Act for Marking and
Bounding Land, passed at November session, seventeen hundred and
eighty-six, as relates to Saint Mary's County.— 1831, ch. 180.
SEC. 1. Se it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That any person or persons seized of land lying and being in
Saint Mary's county, under courses and distances only, as to
any lines thereof, whether courses and distances only are men-
tioned in the grant or deed, under which said land is held, or
by the loss of boundaries called for, the person or persons
seized, is confined to course and distance, or seized of the re-
version, or remained, or an estate for life or lives therein, hav-
*Ch 33.
Case spe-
ing given twenty days notice by advertisement, set up at the
door of the court-house of Saint Mary's county, and by such
advertisement set up at the most public places in the election
districts in which the land or lands lie, of his, her, or their
intention to apply to the county court for a commission to
mark and bound said land or lands, named or otherwise de-
scribed in such advertisement, may apply by petition in writ-
ing to the county court of Saint Mary's county, for a commis-
sion to mark and bound such land or lands, agreeably to the
directions of the act to which this is a supplement ; and upon
proof being made to the satisfaction of the court, that such
advertisements were duly set up, the court may issue commis-
sions to such commissioners as may be appointed by virtue of
Petition for
to mark
and bound.
this act, for the district in which the said lands may He, em-
powering them, or a majority of them, to mark and bound the
lands aforesaid mentioned in the said commission, according to
the directions of the act to which this is a supplement.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the governor and council,
be, and they are hereby authorized and required to appoint
and commission, on or before the first day of April next, and
annually thereafter, three discreet and sensible men in each
election district of Saint Mary's county aforesaid, to act as
commissioners in the district in which they are appointed in
every case in which they may be called upon, in and by virtue
of this law, who shall, before they proceed to act, qualify as
sioners to
be appoint-
such before some justice of the peace, and which said commis-
sion, with the qualification of said commissioners endorsed
thereon, shall be returned to the clerk of Saint Mary's county,
who is hereby required to have the same recorded in the com-
missioners' record book, and the said commissioners shall in
every other respect conform themselves in the execution of
every commission directed to them, in the same manner as the
Oath re-
commissioners appointed under the law aforesaid, to which this
is a supplement, are authorized and required, and the same
proceedings thereon to be had, on the return of the commis-
ing* di-