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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 2145   View pdf image (33K)
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the house of delegates of Maryland, shall on the first Wednes-
day of October, eighteen hundred and forty-one, and at the-
same time every three yeat-s thereafter, vote for one person
possessing the qualifications hereafter required, to be commis-
sioner of the tax for Saint Mary's county, from said district.


SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That in addition to the qualifica-
tion now requisite to be eligible to a seat in the house of dele-
gates of Maryland, the person voted for as commissioner, shall
have residence for at least one year immediately preceding the
election in the district in which said election is held.

tions for

SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the judges of election for
each election district in said county, or a majority of them,

of elections.

shall certify and return in a form and manner similar to the
certificates and returns of the election of delegates aforesaid,
the number of votes given in their said respective districts, for
a commissioner aforesaid ; and having ascertained the person
for whom the highest number of legal votes was given, they
also shall certify and return to the clerk of Saint Mary's county
court, the person whom they shall so ascertain to have re-
ceived the highest number of legal votes to be duly elected com-
missioner for Saint Mary's county, from said district, to serve
for three years, from the date of his election, which certificate
shall be deposited within three days after the election, with
the clerk of Saint Mary's county, by said judges respectively,


and which shall be by said clerk, recorded in a book to be
kept by him for that purpose, and the persons elected as com-

To be

missioners aforesaid, shall out of their body elect their presi-
dent, and if any commissioner or commissioners so elected,

Elect a

shall die, resign, refuse, or neglect for twenty days after the
election, to qualify as commissioner under this act, or shall
remove from the said county at any time within the period for
which he shall have been elected, the remaining commission-
ers who have properly qualified, or a majority of them, shall
appoint a person qualified, as is herein before provided, in case
of an original election, to fill his place until the next annual
election for delegates to the general assembly, when a person
shall be elected in the manner herein before described, in the
district where such commissioner or commissioners so dying,
resigning, refusing, neglecting to qualify, or removing from
the county as aforesaid, was elected to serve for the residue of
his or their said terms.

Case of

SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That every commissioner elected
or appointed as aforesaid, shall before he enters on the duties
of his office, take and subscribe before some judge or justice of
the peace, an oath or affirmation, that he will faithfully, dili-
gently and impartially exercise the powers and perform the
duties of commissioner for Saint Mary's county, as authorized

Oath of

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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 2145   View pdf image (33K)
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