AN ACT to authorize the Levy Court of Saint Mary's County to fix the
compensation of the Collector of the Tax for said County. — 1831, ch. 295.
to fix.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, the levy court of Saint
Mary's county, may, and they are hereby authorized and re-
quired to allow to the collector of the tax for said county, a per
centum on the amount to be collected at the rate of not less
than five, nor more than ten per centum ; Provided, that the
whole amount of such per centum shall not exceed the sum of
eight hundred dollars in any one year.
AN ACT to establish the Pay of Jurors and Witnesses in Saint Mary's
County.— 1821, ch. 181.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, the grand and petit jurors
of Saint Mary's county, shall be entitled to receive the sum of
two dollars for each and every day's attendance as juryman,
and that each and every witnes subpoened to testify in the
courts of said county, the sum of one dollar, in lieu of the
allowance now granted by law.
AN ACT to facilitate the Draining of Land in the several Counties therein
mentioned.— 1790, ch. 3
See 'Dorchester County,' title 'Lands, Draining,' ante page 1884.
A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act to facilitate the Draining of
Land in the several Counties therein mentioned. — 1799, ch. 73.
WHEREAS, the act to which this is a supplement has been
found beneficial in its operation in the counties included in
said act, and it is thought just and reasonable that the same
should be extended to such other counties as wish to obtain
the benefit of its provisions ; therefore,
Act ex-
tended, &c
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
an act passed at November session, one thousand seven hun-
dred and ninety, entitled, an act to facilitate the draining of
land in the several counties therein mentioned, be, and the
same is hereby extended to Talbot and Saint Mary's counties,
to operate on the said counties, and each of them, in its various
provisions, clauses and effects, in the same manner as if both
and each of them had been originally included, named and
inserted therein.