AN ACT to repeal the sixth section of the Act of eighteen hundred and
thirty, chapter one hundred and sixty, entitled, an Act to extend the
powers of the Commissioners of the School Fund in Queen Anne's
County, and to encourage the establishment of Free Schools in said
County, and for other purposes. — 1832, ch. 237.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the sixth section of the act of eighteen hundred and
thirty, chapter one hundred and sixty, declaring the Centre-
ville academy to be a free school, be, and the same is hereby
repealed, and that the trustees of the said academy be and they
6th sec. of
act of 1830,
ch. 160,
are hereby required to furnish tuition in said academy, gra-
tuitously, to all children within a circuit of three miles around
the academy, whose parents they shall have sufficient reason
to believe, are not able to pay for the instruction of the same.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That whenever hereafter any
vacancy shall happen in the board of trustees of said academy,
the same shall be certified by the president, or in case of his
death, by the secretary to the board, to the judges of the
orphans court of said county, who shall appoint some discreet
person to fill said vacancy, and shall certify the same to the
officer who gave said court notice of the vacancy as aforesaid ;
which said officer shall forthwith give notice to the person so
appointed, of his appointment as aforesaid.
Case of
vacancy of
ings di-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That, hereafter, five members of
the board of trustees of said academy shall be sufficient to con-
stitute a quorum, for transacting all general and necessary
business of the said seminary, and making temporary rules for
the management thereof.
A SUPPLEMENT to the ACT of eighteen hundred and thirty, chapter one
hundred and sixty, entitled, an Act to extend the powers of the Com-
missioners of the School Fund in Glueen Anne's County, and to
encourage the establishment of Free Schools in said County. — 1832,
ch. 251.
Merged in 1838, ch. 141.
AN ACT to establish Schools in Queen Anne's County. — 1833, ch. 110.
Five Irua-
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Piney Neck, in Queen Anne's county, as formerly laid
off for a primary school district, shall be continued as a school
district, for the purposes hereafter mentioned, and that the
taxable male inhabitants of said district are authorized to meet
at some convenient place, and elect, by a majority of said inha-
bitants, three trustees, who shall hold their offices till the next
annual election, and in default of such election by a majority
as aforesaid, shall continue to serve till the next annual meet-
ing thereafter.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That Valentine Bryan, Samuel
Kirby, and Robert S. Bryan, who were chosen as trustees by
Piney Neck