George's county court shall, on demand of the said clerk lo
the levy court, by order of the said levy court, forthwith deli-
ver over to the said clerk of the levy court, all the books, ac-
counts, papers and documents, belonging or in any manner
charge of
papers, &c.
appertaining to the levy court of said county ; and shall an-
nually, on or before the third Monday in May, furnish to, and
lay before the said levy court, all copies of such lists, accounts,
papers and documents, as may be useful and necessary, to the
said levy court, in ascertaining the county charges, and accord-
ing to the directions which he may from time to time receive
from the said levy court, for which service he shall have and
receive such fees as by law he is entitled for like services, and
in case the said clerk of Prince George's county court, shall
neglect or refuse to comply with any of the provisions or re-
quisitions of this act, when called on [by] the said levy court,
or the clerk thereof, he shall for every such neglect or refusal,
forfeit and pay to the said levy court for the use of the county,
Duty of
clerks of
the sum of one hundred dollars, to be recovered by indictment
or action in Prince George's county court, and the clerk to the
commissioners of tax shall in like manner be subject to the
same penalties for neglect or refusal to deliver over to the said
clerk of the levy court, all books, papers or documents, which
may belong or in any wise appertain to the board of commis-
sioners of the tax for Prince George's county.
Penalty for
SEC. 7. And be it enacted. That so much of any acts of as-
sembly as may be contrary to or inconsistent with this act, be,
and the same are hereby repealed.
A SUPPLEMENT to the ACT, entitled, an Act to regulate the Inspection of
Tobacco, so far as relates to Prince George's County. — -1830, ch. 37.
Acti in-
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the annual meeting of. the levy court of Prince George's i
county, which is now required to be held between the fifteenth !
and twenty-fifth day of January, shall in every year hereafter
be held, for all the purposes of said annual meeting, between
the twentieth day of January and the tenth day of February.
AN ACT relating to the Levy Court of Prince George's County.— 1833,
ch. 127.
changed for
meeting of
levy court.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the justices of the levy court of Prince George's county,
shall cause the public gaol of said county to be furnished with
such furniture as they may deem necessary and proper, the
to furnish
cost thereof to be levied, collected and paid to the order of
the said justices, as other county charges are levied, collected
and paid.