some one of the constables of said county, to summon five in-
habitants of said county not related to the parties nor interested
in the property to be valued, to meet on or near the property to
be valued, at a day named in the warrant, not less than ten nor
more than thirty days after the issuing of the same, and the
constable shall on its receipt, summon said five persons accord-
ingly, and when so summoned and met, they or a majority of
them, after having first qualified before some justice of the
peace of said county, by oath or affirmation, that they will
justly and impartially value the damages which such owner or
owners will sustain by the taking of the property required by
the trustees for the site of a school-house, and the said com-
missioners are hereby instructed in estimating said damages to
consider the benefits which will accrue to such owner or
owners from the erection of such school-house and to make the
proper allowance for such benefit in their return ; the said re-
turn shall be signed by at least three of the commissioners, and
returned by them to the office of the clerk of Kent county
To be
court, and shall there be recorded by said clerk amongst the
land records of said county, and every such return shall ascer-
may bo
tain the bounds of the land, so valued, and the valuation shall be
conclusive against the parties, and shall be paid by the trustees
of said school district to such owner or owners, or his or her
legal representatives, and when paid or tendered, shall entitle
the said trustees to all the estate or interest of such owner or
owners in the property so valued ; and if the valuation be re-
fused when tendered, or the party to whom it is due be un-
known, it may afterwards be recovered of said trustees without
interest and costs.
may take
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That as soon as a valuation of the
property, wanted as a site for a school-house shall have been
made by the commissioners, in the manner prescribed in the
preceding section, the said trustees may immediately enter
upon, take and use the property so valued for the erection of a
school-house and appendages, and the valuation shall be a bar
to all actions by the person or persons against whom such
valuation is made, for so entering upon, or using the said pro-
perty after such valuation is made.
Clerk to
SEC. 9. And be it enacted. That the clerk of Kent county
court, be, and he is hereby authorized and required to appor-
tion and distribute among the several school districts in said
county, which have been reported according to law, all unap-
propriated money in his hands, of the state school fund, be-
longing to said county, and to pay to the trustees of each school
district, so entitled as aforesaid, or their order, the portions to
which their respective school districts may be entitled.