or if in recess, of their clerk, to make out, within two months
from the reception of said report, an alphabetical list of all the
persons who possess or may be entitled to taxable property in
each school division, with the aggregate assessment of the pro-
perty of each individual, according to the county assessment
made in that or the preceding year, and transmit the said lists
cal list.
to the said trustees within the said period, under the penalty
of two hundred dollars for every neglect or refusal, to be re-
covered by presentment or indictment of a grand jury. .
Penalty for
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the tax to be laid in the
several school districts shall extend to all the taxable property
in said districts, and that the trustees shall from time to time,
when required, furnish the commissioners of the tax or their
clerk, such information as they may possess or acquire, to ena-
ble them to perform the duties enjoined by the second section
of this act ; but that nothing in this act contained shall be so
Tax, how
to be
construed, as to permit or authorize any non-resident to vote
in any other school district than that in which he may bona
fide reside at the time any meeting may be held.
Non resi-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be incumbent on any
sheriff or county collector, in the event of his being selected
or appointed a collector for any or all of the school districts, to
Duty of
sheriffs, &c.
to collect.
accept of the appointment, or forfeit for each refusal the sum of
one hundred dollars, to be recovered in the manner provided
in the second section, and to pay over to the person or persons
authorized to receive the same, the several sums of money to
be by him collected, (first deducting the usual fees for his
services,) within six months from the time the assessment lists
shall be placed in his hands for collection, and that the collec-
tors of the school tax shall have the same powers of execu-
tion, sale and conveyance, to enforce the payment of taxes as
those with which the collector of the county tax is or may be
Powers of
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the report of the county
clerk, as required in the twenty-second section of the act to
which this is a supplement, shall be made to the treasurer of
the western shore, on or before the last Monday in December
required of
annually, under the penalty of one hundred dollars for every
neglect, to be recovered in the mode mentioned in the second
Penalty for
section, and that it shall be the duty of the said treasurer to re-
port to the legislature by the twentieth day of January in each
year, an abstract or synopsis of all the reports he may have
received from the said clerk.
Report of
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the levy court of said county
be authorized and required to levy on the assessable property
in said county, a reasonable per diem for the commissioners
tion for
laying off