and inspectors, and the surveyor, if one be necessary, that may
be employed for laying down and designating the school dis-
tricts, in their respective election districts ; Provided, that the
sums so levied shall not exceed in any one year the sum of
of other
i three hundred dollars, and that no other allowance of compen-
sation be made to the commissioners and inspectors for uny other
services, after the first division or arrangement of the school
districts shall have been made, and that the fees to the clerk of
the county and clerk to commissioners of the county tax, be
levied and paid as for ordinary business.
tion to
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful
for the resident taxable inhabitants in the school district to levy
a tax as herein before mentioned, and as regulated by the origi-
nal act, to remunerate the clerks to be appointed in the several
school districts, provided the tax for that purpose shall in no
one district exceed the sum of fifty dollars, and that any taxa-
ble property -in the district shall be liable to such tax.
Repeal, &c
SEC. 8. And be it enacted. That only so much of the act
to which this is a supplement be repealed, as may be inconsis-
tent with the provisions of this act, and that this act shall be in
force only in Kent county.
An additional SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act to provide for the
Public Instruction of Youth in Primary Schools throughout this Slate,
passed at December session, eighteen hundred and twenty- five, chapter
one hundred and sixty-lour/ so far as the same relates to Kent County.
1834, ch. 263.
School dis-
trict; levy.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the trustees, or a majority of them, elected or to be elected
by the taxable white male inhabitants of any or each school
district, under existing laws, or this act, shall have power to
levy upon all the taxable property in said districts, except the
property of free persons of colour, a sum not exceeding one
or funds.
hundred and fifty dollars, annually, for repairing school-houses,
sinking wells, supplying necessary books, stationery, and fur-
niture, for the respective schools, for the employment of teach-
ers, payment of clerks, commissions to collectors, and other
incidental or necessary expenses, and that the revenues re-
ceived from any source may be applied to similar purposes.
gross sum.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That the white male taxable inha-
bitants of any school district, or a majority of those in attend-
ance at any meeting called for the purpose, in the mode pre-
scribed by law, in assessing and levying a tax on the real and
personal estate of their 'district, shall vote a sum in gross, to be
levied on their district, not exceeding the said sum of one hun-
dred and fifty dollars, and that the trustees, or persons autho-
rized by law, in ascertaining and regulating the tax, shall